View Full Version : yawning

08-03-06, 06:35
i have been anxious a lot these past days and i was wondering is yawning ananxiety symptom?.I get this a lot my jaw is starting to ache.

08-03-06, 09:46
Hi Ah,

I get a lot of the yawning thing to I think it is all part and parcel of fatigue and tiredness as a result of the anxious feeling our bodies have. My doctor said this is because my body is working overtime to try keep up with my brain. I get cramp a lot as a result of this I hate it but I guess I can deal with it.

08-03-06, 13:23
Yes I get that too. If I am going a ride out anywhere, especially somewhere different, I yawn quite a bit, not that I am tired. Its like I am trying to calm myself down. My husband has noticed when this happens.

Jenny xxxx

08-03-06, 13:34
If you are yawning a lot then you are not breathing correctly.

The body yawns to get more air in, so correct breathing should help.


08-03-06, 14:15
i agree with nicola,we are not breathin correctly.I tend to hold my breath or shallow breathe,so i yawn alot!We must look on first steps and learn how to breath properly!Hope it gets beter for you.Love m'rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

08-03-06, 19:11

apparently this is a classic sign of hyperventilation

a good book that was reccomended to me is the hyperventilation syndrom by dinah bradley

it may help the book mentions yawning often

take care

09-03-06, 05:12
Hi everyone,

thanks for the support.I guess i must have been hyperventilating that due to my heightened anxiety i did not recognized it.Im just glad that you guys are there.This is a really great site foe people like us who suffers with this kind of condition.Not everybody is sympathetic to our needs and fears.