View Full Version : melanoma spreading

08-10-10, 11:15
i have a new freckle next to a mole... i am terrified this is melanoma spreading as i have seen a picture of dark marks around a mole which is melanoma...help :(

08-10-10, 12:20
Hi Ellie,

I'm no expert on melanoma but my understanding is that a cancerous mole/lesion itself changes, that its diameter gets bigger, its colour changes and it generally changes its form, so I would not worry about a freckle developing. If the mole itself has not changed in appearance then all is fine. It is probably just a new freckle that you have just noticed now. Just for the record, there is a way of checking moles if you suspect they are melanomas or developing into melanoma by an ABCD check -

A = Assymetrical, are the sides equal looking (eg. perfectly round) or a wonky shape? Assymetrical is dodgy.
B = Borders - are they smooth or irregular as irregular is dodgy
C = Colour - melanomas can be varied in colour, or change colours, eg. get darker
D = Diameter - has the mole/lesion spread/ got bigger in size?

Hope this helps hun.x

08-10-10, 16:36
My aunty had malignant melanoma and I saw it with my own eyes and it was unmistakable - very very black and crusty with a deep red angry edge. I must say she is now 81 yrs old and had this when she was 60.

once seen believe me you would know one again!

08-10-10, 16:57
I've got a black mole on my leg, quite small, it's shaped like a crescent moon, quite worried but it's been there for years, also got a quite black round one on the back of my arm that's been there for as long, they haven't changed, don't know if it's worth getting them checked out or not as I don't realise they're there and I've heard melanoma can bleed or itch or become sore.

08-10-10, 18:46
I have got quite a few tiny very dark marks as well but they are not raised or crusty and don't get bigger quickly - my aunts melanoma was size of 2p piece and it was its crustiness and inflamed edge that was so memorable.

I have had my tiny black marks checked out - had a uv light shone on one and I first started getting them 20 yrs ago - then I was told if they stay flat and not raised or crusty okay also I find that they lighen to dark brown over the years.

08-10-10, 21:20
Ahh, it's just that the one on my leg isn't even a circular shape! It's more in the shape of the letter C but smaller but thicker, haha, can't make much sense.

09-10-10, 10:45
do freckles just appear though?

i thought it would have to be really obvious to be melanoma but i read a mag article where it showed the stages of melanoma and first and second stage was hardly noticeable at all :(

09-10-10, 12:37
They do just appear, how else do you suppose they get there, I don't think we're born with freckles. :hugs: