View Full Version : mirtazapine

08-10-10, 12:05
hi my name is lisa i have been depressed 4 2 yrs i started off on citalopram then on 2 sertraline and now im on mirtazapine of 15mg i took my first tablet last nite and slept really well but i am so drowsey and sleepy with no energy what so ever is this normal and when will i stop feeling like this

08-10-10, 12:07
Hi lisa222

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
08-10-10, 12:08
Hi Lisa 222 and welcome :welcome:There are some great threads on here re-medications...maybe a good place to start for you x

08-10-10, 15:31
:welcome:Welcome Lisa. I am currently prrescribed mirtazapine 45mg. It can be extremely sedating in the lower doses and when you first start taking it. This should settle down after a few weeks. If you look in the 'medication' section under 'mirtazapine' you will find lots of posts about it and of course support. EJ.

Vanilla Sky
08-10-10, 21:10
Hi and welcom to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

09-10-10, 06:48
Hello Lisa,

I too take mirtazipine. Absolutely normal what you are experiencing and will pass...so there is light at the end of the tunnel. For me having taken other AD's including citalopram like yourself..mirtazipine is the one that worked well for me...it got me out of a black hole and back to work living a normal life again!!

Check out the threads on it and they will help you and feel free to ask any questions and we will help where we can.

Good luck with it all and welcome to NMP!!
