View Full Version : Not sure where to ask this.........

08-10-10, 12:53
I was wondering if anyone has the same thing about christmas as i seem to have at the moment. i love christmas but im feeling a little nervous about it. i feel like i cant get excited about it because something bad will happen if i do?!

my anxiety is getting a lot better but i seem to now be obsessing slightly about superstition and jinxing things like chritsmas. i was looking through a xmas mag earlier and i actually stopped myself from planning what to buy because for some reason i felt if i wrote stuff down and got excited about xmas that something bad will happen at xmas and we wont enjoy it.

i dont know where this has come from?!

08-10-10, 17:15
It's like anticipatory anxiety I guess, I get it a lot about a lot of things, even little things like walking to the shop, I just feel scared like it's a bad thing to do and see things that I believe are bad omens.
Looking forward to things is one of the hardest things for me, I'm always worrying thinking "If I plan it something bad will happen", "If I look forward to it I'll end up dying before" and things like that.

09-10-10, 04:43
You will be fine.Sometimes with holiday visits I fear the worse and after its over im sorry its still not going on. I miss the family and friends and excitement that I was so worried about something happening and it never does.You will be just fine and your Christmas will be just fine too..Take care