View Full Version : Night sweats

08-10-10, 13:26
I used to get them occasionally, 1 a week, 1 a fortnight but I've had them all night every night for a week.
I wake up drenched around 4 times a night and just generally feeling weird. I'm even still feeling a little hot and sticky now.
Why is this happening amongst all my lymphoma fears :(

08-10-10, 21:41
I'm 56, post menopausal. I wake up every hour or two and am having hot flashes, sweating, pulse up. Very uncomfortable and I have to calm myself so I don't have a panic attack.

08-10-10, 21:44
Ahh, do you have any idea what it is?
My anxiety has been really high lately but I can't see it making me sweat a lot!
I have been waking up generally hot and having to take the blankets off, but I don't really sweat when I'm awake so why would I be more prone to it when I'm asleep?
I've been getting really wet legs, I've never sweated on my legs in my life, it's just weird, my pits get wet and my back gets wet and ugh, it's horrible, I'd probably have a full nights sleep if it wasn't for the fact I was waking up because of the excessive heat and sweating, it's not even that warm this time of year!

08-10-10, 21:56
Are you on any meds? SSRIs can cause night sweats - I often wake up drenched.

08-10-10, 21:58
I'm on Setraline but I experience a few night sweats beforehand, could I really be getting nightsweats as a side effect 3 weeks into it?
ALTHOUGH I did drink a lot at the weekend and was doing well before that and since then my anxiety has been at an all time HIGH and since then I've been having the night sweats, maybe the alcohol affected my treatment?

09-10-10, 11:24
Yes, you could definitely be having night sweats 3 weeks into it. Last time I took sertraline for 4 years and had night sweats every night. This time I've been on it for 4 months and ditto. It's a common side effect.

09-10-10, 13:28
Ive had night sweats from Citalopram and now Seroxat too. Its bloody horrible ><

09-10-10, 13:37
Ahh, well thank god I didn't have any last night for the first night in a week although I did wake up really hot like I was on the verge of having them and woke up 4 times feeling just really hot!