View Full Version : Hi, I'm here because

08-10-10, 16:13
Hi there! I'm a new user and have spent the last day or so reading the forums

In some ways I've found it a relief to see others who are experiencing some, all and in a few cases much more than what I have going around in my head.

As a bit of background, around a month ago, my g/f left me. She did this quite harshly, for reasons that she didnt want to be tied down and wanted to move out and do her own thing.

She was the best thing that happened to me in a long time, we'd just come back from holiday together and I thought we were in love. I loved her unconditionally. I couldnt and in some cases still cant accept that she's gone, but that as soon as we were over she'd practically moved in with someone else.

Anyway...it hit me hard that I'd lost her. She's all I ever think about and I couldnt really and still cant think of anything else other than being with her, and it took me a while to understand that being with her was what was keeping me happy.

When I realised I didnt have her in my life anymore, and she really didnt want me in hers, it made me look around at what I had left. I didnt really come up with much. Very few friends, a work from home job that is isolate and no family.

It sent me spiralling down, I started having anxiety attacks, couldnt eat, couldnt sleep, night sweats, panic, wanting to be at home and literally running out the door to get home from wherever I was at (175 miles away in one case!). I was also showing symptoms of depression, mixed in with OCD....I went to see a GP after a week. They prescribed some time as a healer with a 2 week stress sicknote

I went back a week later and discussed that I realised there was more to it than that, I have some issues to overcome in my personality and my life in general....no social life, few skills or opportunity to make new friends, the work from home job was killing me and I live in an area I hate. I couldnt see a way to change much of that. They gave me fluoxetine 20mg, which I took for 2 days, hated the zombie side effects and promptly left in the bathroom

Whats made me come here is the realisation that I probably need more help than chemicals, to understand why I have these feelings of not being able to deal with where I am or see a way back to "the good times". To learn from others who may have been there, understand what I'm feeling and could give advice on how to deal with situations.

But also, to just say hello :)

08-10-10, 16:15
Hi madhatter

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-10-10, 16:32
Hi Madhatter,

Sorry to hear that you're having a rough time.

Have you suffered with anxiety before or is this your first experience of it?

There is plenty of good advice in the articles to the left which should give you a good starting point with regards to self help.

What I always try to tell myself is that I have come through this before & so I will do again. Just as you were fine before your break up & so you will be again. Sometimes it just takes a bit of time to pass for us to recover. When I feel at my worst I feel so overwhelmed & just want someone to wave a magic wand & make me feel ok again.

I would advise you to return to the doctor with regards to your medication. Not that I would every want to make any recommendations about medication, but not one size fits all. It may be that fluoxetine was not suitable for you. Sometimes it can be trial & error with medication. If you decide not to take any medication then your doctor may be able to help in other ways - referral for counselling etc.

Keep us posted on your progress & take care


08-10-10, 16:34
Welcome to NMP hunni x

08-10-10, 16:38
Hi Kel

Thanks for the kind words. I think over the last 4 or so years I've become more and more insular to the point where I'd stopped trying to speak to other people or generally have anything to look forward to.

The moment of clarity, that things arent quite what they should be was I think around a fortnight ago when I looked at who I'd become as a person, and didnt really like what I saw

I've had anxiety before, yes but had always dealt with it through breathing exercises and trying to take my mind off things by doing something else. Because of the scale of what I thought/think I'm up against I've struggled with it more recently

Thanks again

08-10-10, 18:47
Sounds like you have had a tough time lately, but you are being incredibly strong by taking the time to think about what is wrong in your life and admitting it - that`s brave!!!!

Getting your life back after a relationship break up is always very hard but don't rush anything and in time you will feel stronger.

Kel's advise is spot on, of the friends you have are you able to confide in any ? I spend my life hiding my anxiety and feelings - a vicious circle really but I will learn lol.

There is loads of good advise on here, lots of success stories and most of all people to share your feelings with who truely understand.

Take one day at a time and don't be afraid to share your feelings on here if it helps.

Good luck and keep us updatedx

oooohhhhhh and your not alone anymorex

paula lynne
08-10-10, 19:16
Hi and a big welcome to you :welcome:youll find lots of help and support here x

08-10-10, 20:29
Hi Madhatter

You've had a bit of a rough run so I'm glad you've find this forum because there are lots of fellow sufferers here who will offer support and reassurance! They're a very friendly lot and it's a good place to work through the pain and panic you're going through.