View Full Version : Neck pain

08-10-10, 19:51
I have a really painful neck, shoulder and an extremely painful spot where my skull meets my neck on the left side. I also hve pain in my left temple, around and behind my left eye and across the left side of my forehead.

Not only does it hurt when I am just sitting still, but if I touch anypart of this is hurts to touch. I also have many 'sore spots' across my body that hurt to touch almost like they are bruised.

Anyone have any idea what this could be? Sinus problems? Fibromyalgia? Migraine? The pain is comes and goes depending on what day it is and also changes between left and right side. All very confused...

08-10-10, 20:00
I get a lot of random pains in places that you mention.
The one in the neck where the skull connects is a horror, causes me so much discomfort sometimes!

08-10-10, 21:42
Does anyone else get this, i'm starting to get scared to go to bed as it's always so bad when I wake up, i just want some relief from the pain :weep:

08-10-10, 21:55
Have you tried using an ibuprofen rub or some sort of muscle cream?
Salt bath?

08-10-10, 22:11
Yep, have tried all sorts, creams, physio, osteopath etc.. nothing seems to work. I must have spent thousands in my search for pin relief! Tanks for your reply, really appreciate it xx

08-10-10, 22:13
I've tried creams and bath salts and different massage techniques and nothing helps!
People say rest is the best remedy, I wake up the same, I feel like my neck isn't even relaxed even when I'm sleeping!
Ahh... :mad:

08-10-10, 22:33
I know it's so frustrating when you wake up and your neck is so stiff and painful...just don't what to do about it anymore.

08-10-10, 23:07
Ok so now I am freaking out, I have a lump that has come up on my forehead, it runs diagnonally about an inch above above my right eyebrow and it hurts to touch...what the hell is this??????

08-10-10, 23:12
Is it red?
Could it be a large spot coming through or a heat lump?
Maybe a reaction? Have you tried anything new?

08-10-10, 23:19
No it's not red, it's about an inch long and is under the skin, it looks like I've banged my head (which I haven't) and it is swollen (no bruise)

Worried about tumours now :weep:

08-10-10, 23:22
Ahh, no, wouldn't worry about tumours at all!
If it's come up so suddenly then it'd be nothing like that and it sounds like it's not even in a place where tumours could ever be, tumours aren't sore. Don't worry yourself!
It'll be something of nothing, by tomorrow or the next day I bet it's gone down by a bit or even gone :)

08-10-10, 23:23
Could be sinus's!
My friend has lumps above both eyebrows as she has sinusitis atm!

08-10-10, 23:23
Thanks, I just don't have any rationality - curse of health anxiety!

08-10-10, 23:26
It does it to us all!
I've got every type of cancer according to my health anxiety :scared15:

08-10-10, 23:30
Oh I've had all sorts of cancer according to my health anxiety! It's tiring isn't it??

08-10-10, 23:31
Oh yeah!
I wish I could get health anxiety and give it a good beating! :D

08-10-10, 23:37
Mondie, I know it sounds silly, but have you tried changing your pillows/mattress? It really helped me.


08-10-10, 23:39
I've tried all sorts of pillows and got nowhere, I have a funny sleeping position that I end up in with my arm tucked under my pillow and my head on top of it...thanks for the suggestion though x

09-10-10, 07:48
I have suffered from this for the past 2 years.
It does get better.
Mine was from a fall and then me not taking care of myself and sticking to my physio exersises etc.
Anxiety and stress, tention also can cause everything you are feeling too.
Do you know where you got the pain from to begin with? Perhaps at the gym or something?

Sounds like you have pulled a muscle somewhere and then your tention is making it feel 10 times worse.
I used to get the pain so badly in my left shoulder blade, left shoulder and left side of my neck and at the base of my skull.

All I can say is keep up with the physio and doing your exercises as you need to strengthen the muscles in that area etc.

Also try some anti inflam medication to take the edge off.

I found that sleeping on my back as well helped.

And last but not least - pillow, make sure that you pill is GOOD! This will make the world of difference on how you feel when you wake up in the morning.

Best of luck!!!

09-10-10, 12:40
What makes a good pillow? :P