View Full Version : scared yet again

08-03-06, 11:42
Hi all as I said in a previous post about the horrible pains I was getting in my shoulder and left arm. Well the pain was so bad I had to keep going back to docs for stronger pain killers. He gave me an ECG there and then at the first appointment but that was ok, so he made an appointment at the hospital cardiac clinic for an exercise ECG and to see the specialist. Well I got a letter and have to go to the hospital tomorrow and I don’t know why but I am so scared and seem to be slipping back into that horrible scared anxiety state, which was getting much better. There is no need for me to be scared as all they are going to do is give me a general medical a Exercise ECG and see the cardiac specialist, I don’t even need to have a blood test as I had that last week. Well the doctor isn’t to sure if it is angina so this is why he is sending me for the extra ECG tests, I do suffer from joint pains on and off all of us do as we get older but this pain is so different and very severe. What puts me and the doc off thinking angina is that it can be at its worst at night when I lay trying to fall asleep. If they find any abnormities on the treadmill ECG they are going to book me an angina gram test, I have had lots of different tests and are really scared of having to have one of these too. And if the tests are clear then the doctor will send me for physio which is fine. But the way this pain is I can’t see it being muscular as it comes on for no reason, lifting and stretching the arm shoulder don’t make any difference. Well thanks for reading its just I woke this morning so full of fear and even to scare to get out of bed and really don’t want all that to come back. Take care all. Vernon

Ma Larkin
08-03-06, 11:52
Hi Vernon, I cr*p myself when I have tests done. Look at it this way, if you're an absolute dithering wreck when you have the test tomorrow & it proves to be negative & there is nothing wrong with you, then you HAVE to believe it, because they have seen you at your worst mate. You could be worrying for nothing, but you will feel relieved knowing you had the test.

Stay calm mate & let us know how you get on.


08-03-06, 12:08
Hi Vernon,

I know how scary waiting for and having tests is. I had an exercise ECG and by the time I got there my pulse was 135 before I even got on the treadmill! Lol.
I think your gp is just sending you to be cautious, it doesn't sound like it's heart disease, I expect anything causing that much pain would show up on a normal ECG, especially as it is there when you are resting aswell. If they do find anything (and this sounds unlikely) then it's better to know and get it treated early. Even if something does show up it doesn't mean you will need an angiogram. My Uncle had one of those and he said it wasn't painful at all.
You'd be amazed how much muscles can hurt though, I can be in agony with my back and stretching doesn't help or anything yet physio and seeing a chiropractor does.
Good luck and let us know how you get on. Will be thinking of you.


08-03-06, 12:11
Thanks les and thanks for answering all my other posts and hope you find the help and support you need from this site like i did. Yes I will be happy and releived if all is clear, but even if its not lots have angina at my age and at least they will be able to reduce the pain for me? but if it is clear I will still need it sorting? one doctor seemed to think its come from a tendon in my neck, but wouldnt the pains have gone by now if it was, its been about 8 weeks. anyway thanks and pm me anytime you need a chat, my msn is cov49@hotmail.com. take care. Vernon

08-03-06, 12:13
thanks lisa take care, Vernon

08-03-06, 14:54
Hi Vern, long time no speakie... sorry you are feeling anxious at the moment, i think we all do when we have to go for tests, scared of the waiting beforehand, scared of the tests, scared of the results, try not to let this set you back, you have done so good lately, most likely all of this will be just old age creeping in on us both!!!! If the worse come to the worse mate, they will be able to treat you straight away, my friend is a lot younger than you and and suffers with angina, he takes a few pills and leads a normal and very hectic life-style, he is now a driving instructor (fool!). take care vern, try not to be scared (if only eh?) speak soon xxxjean

08-03-06, 15:27
Aww mate :(

I'm just the same - like Lisa my pulse was through the roof when I had to have a gastroscopy a couple of years ago, actually even going to doctors does this for me.

We have to hold on to perspective - why oh why do we always go for the worst case scenario everytime.

Treat it as a little MOT and I expect you to remind me of this conversation next time I have a medical appointment.

Big hugs hun and tell us all about it when you get back.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

Ma Larkin
08-03-06, 15:28
See Vernon, you're sounding more positive already! Muscle pain can last a lot longer than you think, especially when coping with anxiety or depression as well. I've been taking Diclofenac which was prescribed by the hospital because I was diagnosed with Plouresy. To be honest I don't think its Plouresy or it would have gone by now. I'm in agony when I get up, changed my mattress at quite some expense thinking it was that, I really don't know what it is, took stuff for trapped wind & allsorts of herbal stuff yet it's still there. Could be skeletal like arthritis (owd git!) I just don't know. My mum has spondilitis which is pain in the neck (which she is lol!!), upper back & shoulder, but she doesn't take anything for it. She blames it on working in a cold environment for 20 odd years (making sausages & scotch eggs!!) & calls it "wear & tear of getting owd", but she's 65, so she does expect the odd twinge, but i'm only 39 & feel 65 at times mate believe me!!

Take care mate & stop worrying so much. It'll all be over tomorrow & you can breathe a sigh of relief.


Ma Larkin
08-03-06, 15:32
Vernon, when you have a minute read the post "Surviving a Panic Attack" which Robert160882 put on. There's a bit in there in the first couple of para's about muscle spasms/pains. Its really good & might put your mind at ease.


08-03-06, 18:39
Thanks all, good to hear from you all. I know we get more aches and pains as we get older, I have pains in my elbow joints and cant even lift the kettle at times when its bad, but this a complete different pain even when i do nothing or dont move its still there (but not as bad as it was) anyway thanks all and I will be able to eliminate one cause tomorrow with a bit of luck. Vernon xx

08-03-06, 18:55
Veron, this morning i decided to tray and have a lay in ,even though i knew i would find it so hard to,because once i open my eyes i am out the bed , my fear starts when i open my eyes... so anyway i laid on the bed for a couple of hours ,forced myself even though i had eptopic beats going of... well when i got up i ached all over my body in my arms, shoulders and chest my legs, i mean so so badley... and i am constantly especially today having pains in my chest mate,so you havnt got anything toworry about.
My guess is like my doctor is properley sending you there to put your mind at rest---or just fed up with us constantly visting them lol.either way im sure theres nothing wrong-- im waiting for my appointment too...im well scared sh**ing a house soi know how you feel.
I ran for a cab when i went to the docs the other day and after i was so out of breath it was unreal , i couldnt breath so thought are going through my mind trust me..

we all sail on the same ship on here,but none of us are going to let the other one sink RIGHT


08-03-06, 19:15

all the very best for tomorrow. Hopefully it will rule one thing out and you can put your mind at rest.
I always got nervous before going in for a test. Had a bit of a panic attack in the MRI tube!!! [:I]
Let us know how you get on.

Trev :D

08-03-06, 21:01
Thanks all

08-03-06, 21:08
Will be thinking of you Vern :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

polly a
08-03-06, 21:09
hi there vern,just to say last year i was racked in pain shoulder neck arms went to doc and she said all my body was in spasm,no other reason than stress took a few weeks but it did go try relax your muscles in bed tighten then relax them so you can feel the difference in relaxation,im sure if your blood pressuse and that was fine ,that is what it will be they will be just sending you to rule it out,youlle be fine love pollyxx

p appleyard

08-03-06, 21:40
Good luck tomorrow Vern

I think if we have anxiety whenever we have to go for tests it makes it so much harder to stop our minds drifting over the what ifs... and obviously being in pain is a constant negative thought in a way which makes it so hard to stay focussed on all the positives in our lives - and even when things are really tough there are usually some positives we could choose to think about if only we had the knack!

I hope you get the reassurance you want tomorrow and that it is all muscular!

take care x

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

08-03-06, 23:37

You know i am always thinking of you and here for you whatever. Love you to bits and wish i could do more to help.


Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

09-03-06, 13:14
thanks all who replied to this post I am really greatful, all the heart tests went well thanks so its down to physio now. thanks again so much, Vernon

09-03-06, 15:05
hi Vernon,are you relieved to know your heart is ok?I had one of those treadmill tests years ago too[seems a common theme 4 all of us here?]My pain is digestive believe it or not???i also have shoulder pain too but i think it's wear and tear??my lovely daughter has been in agony 4 thre years now she has had 2 mri scans endles physio.....i never thought it could be stress??When she sees the specialist next i will ask him.Isn't this site wonderful the way it helps not just ius but other too,healing by proxy.Let us know how u are feeling.love mary-rose.xxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

09-03-06, 16:35
Hey Vernon, I'm really pleased for you. It must be a great relief to get the all clear on that one and nice to know you don't have to worry about it.

All the best,

09-03-06, 19:03
Thanks all :)

10-03-06, 12:48
vern i am delighted for you. what a relief. i


10-03-06, 17:34
thanks jackie

10-03-06, 17:55
Great news Vern cos I know how worried you were over this.

Time to move on now and not worry I guess.

Good luck with the physio
