View Full Version : Health Professions Negative Attitudes

08-10-10, 19:58
Hi folks
new to the site...just wondered if you had any stories regarding negative attitudes toward anyone from health professionals... be interested to hear

08-10-10, 19:59
Hi deano101

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-10-10, 22:12
Yes, a few of them have been horrible, I remember I went to an emergency doctors and they literally shook their head and me and gave me dirty looks, looked at me like I was lying, gave me gaviscon... gaviscon for panic? Right.

08-10-10, 23:42
I only go to my one doc now, who has gone part time(theres a proper word for it when applyed to docs.lol) and I will wait 2 hours to see her rather than the other um "docs" at the practise.

Im not one for dumping anything down my throat, so I quested the head doc at the practise when he basically pushed antidepressents on me. I mentioned the risk of lack of sex drive..his response "well most people with depression have no interest in sex anyways"....um....thats abit of huge asumption to make.

another gave me strong sleeping tablets(diasapan?is that a med) after I said I didnt want anything strong, if anything. two nights of 14 hour sleeps...decided not for me.

one doc years ago(before I switched due to this story) asked the following when I went for a cold(bunged up, headache,sick etc)
him"do you drink"
me(at the time I did)"yes, but not much at the moment"
doc"how about smoking?"
me"nope, never have"
him"smoking anything else?"
him"are you sure"...

that kinda annoyed me, last straw with him tbh so I left :-)

some docs, are just patch you up and shift you on kinda docs. when it comes to emotions I would most of them are rubbish. but this is slowly changing.

problem is that most people will accept this poor treatment. when you should say "no, wait a second. I dont think so" and go to another doc.rather than laying down and dying. The problem lays in that most people with emotional problems...we wont stand up for ourselfs in this way.

evil monkey
09-10-10, 01:02
hey was thinking of asking too...

one that sticks with me is my doc saying "anx, but there's nothing wrong with you", took me a couple of years (.....) to find out about cortisol and adrenaline. either he didnt know or just didnt pass on the 'small' bit of info