View Full Version : Toilet trouble

08-10-10, 21:46
Can anybody help with these bowel issues?

I feel it's becoming quite bad...

I constantly feel incomplete for a few days in a row...I end up getting alot of wind which means I'm always up at the toilet and I'm not actually doing anything over than really horrible Liquid and bits...

How bad is it going to get? It can vary to like 3 or 4 trips a day or I'm always on the toilet for an half hour constipated. When I go to bed I'm always up and down running to the toilet as I get all this wind and liquid which makes me feel incomplete..sometimes it just runs out me and when I'm out it's uncomfortable..as I feel I'm going to crap myself. Even when I wake up and had nothing to eat I can feel this way...

I'm only 22 but feel I'll be glued to a toilet seat all my life and have awful issues. Even when it comes to the water side of it i have to urge to get to a toilet after a drink... I assumed it was IBS but it's not getting much better..I also have OCD so obsess over cleaning in the toilet more than I have too...some weeks I don't get it bad but some it's just awful...what's going on? :ohmy:

08-10-10, 21:48
I get a lot of feelings like needing to go to the toilet and it's just wind! I generally get a lot of wind, I can hear it in my belly charging through and coming from nowhere.
Feeling incomplete can be a sign of IBS or Hemmaroids (sp?)
I've been having a lot of problems with my bowels lately, ranging between really hard and really watery, colours chaning all the time, some days I go once and others I feel I need to go 4 times.

08-10-10, 21:55
I get a lot of feelings like needing to go to the toilet and it's just wind! I generally get a lot of wind, I can hear it in my belly charging through and coming from nowhere.
Feeling incomplete can be a sign of IBS or Hemmaroids (sp?)
I've been having a lot of problems with my bowels lately, ranging between really hard and really watery, colours chaning all the time, some days I go once and others I feel I need to go 4 times.

I just find it a bit embarrassing because the liquid thing can be quite messy and I constantly feel even as I post I need to crap...and I could be going to a toilet 5 or 6 times with little or nothing there. Sadly I don't eat a varied diet there's alot I dislike so it's hard if it's IBS.

How bad can it get? Can people end up just crapping themselves all day? :blush:

08-10-10, 21:56
I've no idea how bad it can get haha, I know a lot of people with IBS and a certain trigger can have them on the toilet all day!
Yeah I've had messy ones, sometimes it's like some kind of bombs gone off, lmao.

08-10-10, 22:00
Hi Phil
Have you looked at your diet? Maybe you are intolerant to some food that you are eating?
Anxiety does cause a lot of digestive problems too. Have you seen your doctor about it all?

08-10-10, 22:05
I just find it a bit embarrassing because the liquid thing can be quite messy and I constantly feel even as I post I need to crap...and I could be going to a toilet 5 or 6 times with little or nothing there. Sadly I don't eat a varied diet there's alot I dislike so it's hard if it's IBS.

How bad can it get? Can people end up just crapping themselves all day? :blush:

Phil..take some responsibility for your health!

If you know your diet is bad then you have to look at ways of changing it, surely it would be easier to do that than to continue worrying that you arew going to have "accidents"?

This one is down to you to at least make an effort. Perhaps your GP can advise you.

08-10-10, 22:15
Phil..take some responsibility for your health!

If you know your diet is bad then you have to look at ways of changing it, surely it would be easier to do that than to continue worrying that you arew going to have "accidents"?

This one is down to you to at least make an effort. Perhaps your GP can advise you.

So does it sound serious?

It's been worse after three days of spicey foods. It's not worry as such it's just really awkward and embarrassing if I'm toilet bound and feeling im gonna crap myself. :blush:

08-10-10, 22:16
Spicy foods are the worst!
Give your belly a break and get some nutrition down and some fibre :)

08-10-10, 22:20
I have Crohn's so sitting on a loo some days all day is common place for me!

I am on a low fibre diet but it sounds like you need to be on a high fibre diet.

I used to see a dietician so maybe ask the GP to refer you to see someone - they will really help get things back on track for you.

08-10-10, 22:20
So does it sound serious?

It's been worse after three days of spicey foods. It's not worry as such it's just really awkward and embarrassing if I'm toilet bound and feeling im gonna crap myself. :blush:

Phil you didn't read what I said. No it's not serious, you are not moving around very much (I remember you saying that you spent hours on the computer and wondered why you were tired), you are eating rubbish and wondering why you feel lousy?

You got to take some responsibility for looking after yourself and these are steps that YOU can take..providing you are willing to get on with it!
If you're not..well, there isn't much point in posting about the same things really is there?

Have a look at your diet. I'm sure you can get some decent food in there somewhere! :)

08-10-10, 23:12
spicey food is a no no with bowel issues for sure!

09-10-10, 00:00
get some bran cereal and have between 3 and six spoonfuls a day you will find it a massive help

11-10-10, 22:21
Just want to further discuss my bowel issues..

First off I accept it may be something like IBS caused by anxiety...

however in the last 2 months I'd say it's been worse in some days. Example: I went to the cinema went to the toilet before I went in and felt complete. During the film my stomach was rumbling but I held it in however right near the end of the movie I had to rush and do it. In the past I've never had to do that unless it's been water.

Today I have had three bowel movements shortly after eating. It's been quite bad that I have been worried about going out incase they play up..this is partly what made me anxious at the weekend.

And when it comes to dating this will be quite embarrassing if I'm always in the toilet...it's not been bad all those times in the two months I just consider it worse than before..maybe it's a symptom? Orange juice also triggers my bowels..well most things do right now. I've searched the forum alot about anxiety causing IBS rather than food..I know my diet is poor but it's been an issue that has got worse over the years as my bowels are worse now than before.

But typical anxiety makes me think it will get worse and worse until I'm glued to a toilet seat. Sometimes I'm not really anxious when it happens it's when levels are low..but clearly it causes me some worry.

but the symptoms are I've been to the toilet before this post and done alot but I feel a bit churney, like more may come..and it'#s annoying because there's been full days I've sat all day feeling I need a number two even if there's been little there...can anybody shed some further light on my symptoms? Could it be an anxiety thing? I suffer Health anxiety so I always fear the worst hence my need to post. :ohmy:

11-10-10, 23:18
Have you had a colonoscopy - I can't remember?

11-10-10, 23:39
Have you had a colonoscopy - I can't remember?

Not had one of them..

Don't fancy having one either just hope my symptoms are not too serious.

11-10-10, 23:45
Well it will show up any problems so may be worth it. Has the doc said it is IBS and anxiety?

11-10-10, 23:51
Well it will show up any problems so may be worth it. Has the doc said it is IBS and anxiety?

No but it runs in the family.

I've had bowel issues really since I got anxiety..

12-10-10, 00:00
I don't think things like this run in the family without a reason.

Diet is a big factor though and silly things you won't think of like smoking and alcohol.

Anxiety is a big contributing factor of course as well.

When it is running your life though it needs sorting out.

12-10-10, 00:26
I don't think things like this run in the family without a reason.

Diet is a big factor though and silly things you won't think of like smoking and alcohol.

Anxiety is a big contributing factor of course as well.

When it is running your life though it needs sorting out.

I can add better food to my diet but it's difficult heard water helps too..worrying about it makes the bowels worse..I just don't want these issues getting out of hand.

Maybe I can change diet a bit..I'm trying to exercise more to keep my anxiety down.

12-10-10, 01:44
how do people find there weight loss with anxiety? does it go up and down during periods of anxiety?

12-10-10, 12:41
I think it may be IBS I have as I have looked up mucus as a symptom which is a liquidey thing seemingly it's a symptom..because alot of the time that's what I mean it makes me feel constipated and all that's there is awful mucus seemingly some foods cause it?

12-10-10, 15:35
I found that some foods I really enjoy were making IBS worse. I like chocolate after dinner. I need not say no more. Especially if I've had gravy on that dinner. Makes for an uncomfortable, maybe disturbed sleep. Have you ever taken note of foods you eat that start it off?

13-10-10, 22:34
you should try a combination of high fibre foods for consistency with your bowel movements and at the same time acidophilus capsules (also found in yogurt in lower concentration) as it has the same live bacteria (the good bacteria) as found in your gut and bowels and can sort your system out. Constipation is caused by a lack of water in your bowel movements whereas loose stools or stools containing undigested food are more often than not a result of poor nutrition/vitamin absorption. Are you vegetarian or anything? What sort of food do you eat?

13-10-10, 22:55
you should try a combination of high fibre foods for consistency with your bowel movements and at the same time acidophilus capsules (also found in yogurt in lower concentration) as it has the same live bacteria (the good bacteria) as found in your gut and bowels and can sort your system out. Constipation is caused by a lack of water in your bowel movements whereas loose stools or stools containing undigested food are more often than not a result of poor nutrition/vitamin absorption. Are you vegetarian or anything? What sort of food do you eat?

Cereal for breakfast very odd time toast but white bread not brown. I'm not a vegetation like different meat but sometimes rubbish like Burgers or sausage. Usually with a meal it's chips rarely potato's these days and drink usually fizzy drinks. Have a notion for alot of curries too.

I think the anxieties caused alot of my recent bowel issues due to worry as sometimes it doesn't matter what I eat in the last week I go to the toilet.

Normally I suffer loose stools and urge to go rather than constipation but I've had both regular before. Always been extremely fussy in what foods I like to any major diet over hall would be hard.

13-10-10, 23:55
the thing is, processed food like cheap burgers and sausages dont actually contain much nutrition. The one thing you really need is B12 for digestion. Your body needs various amino acids to digest your food. You have something called limiting amino acids... which means if all the others are present but not enough limiting amino acids (found in B12), your food has limited digestion. If you really cant face changing your diet, you really need to get yourself some hardcore multivitamins with iron. Holland & Barrett do some that would be good enough. If you dont get enough B12, you will always have stool trouble. Best food for it is eating lots of greens and lots of proper meat. Chicken, lamb, beef etc, but not processed or ready meals as they contain so little nutrition that Im surprised theyre still classed as food. Milk's another good one, but if you want fast improvement, you have to either change your diet or eat strong vitamins. Poor digestion is almost exclusively down to poor diet. It all comes down to whether your rather eat a poor diet and have the problem, or eat good food and eliminate it. Message me if I can help with anything x

21-03-11, 14:14
Is it normal for bowels to get worse? I've not managed to improve my diet that much but the incomplete, stomach cramps..I feel it's getting worse not sure if it's IBS or anxiety triggered movements.

I went to the cinema and held the toilet in but eventually had to run as little came out but I had bad stomach cramps pains..

can anybody relate to this?

21-03-11, 15:27
Hi Phil

Your diet doesn't sound great but, to be honest, it sounds about normal for a 22-year-old Brit!

When I was in my late teens I would run to the toilet 5 times a day - always liquid. Nowadays I get a lot of constipation and other times I feel like I'm not going to be able to hold a bowel movement in.

I don't have IBS and I look after my diet. I also do a lot of exercise. My problem is JUST anxiety - I lost two stone through going to the toilet constantly despite eating a lot.

So I don't see any reason this wouldn't be just anxiety as I don't have anything wrong with my guts and I have suffered similar things to you.

If you have mucus in your stool tell a doctor, as that's less normal and he may want to check you for infection.

Have you told your GP all about this? You could try changing your diet - some fruit but not too much, wholemeal bread rather than white, if you can afford it, get some better quality sausages and burgers rather than cheapo ones. They're not actually THAT bad for you. They're just meat, after all, and not all of these things are processed. You'll be able to find some that aren't, but they might cost ya!

If it's getting worse, go to the doctors and let them know, there might be something they can do or advice they can give.

21-03-11, 17:53
Hi Phil

Your diet doesn't sound great but, to be honest, it sounds about normal for a 22-year-old Brit!

When I was in my late teens I would run to the toilet 5 times a day - always liquid. Nowadays I get a lot of constipation and other times I feel like I'm not going to be able to hold a bowel movement in.

I don't have IBS and I look after my diet. I also do a lot of exercise. My problem is JUST anxiety - I lost two stone through going to the toilet constantly despite eating a lot.

So I don't see any reason this wouldn't be just anxiety as I don't have anything wrong with my guts and I have suffered similar things to you.

If you have mucus in your stool tell a doctor, as that's less normal and he may want to check you for infection.

Have you told your GP all about this? You could try changing your diet - some fruit but not too much, wholemeal bread rather than white, if you can afford it, get some better quality sausages and burgers rather than cheapo ones. They're not actually THAT bad for you. They're just meat, after all, and not all of these things are processed. You'll be able to find some that aren't, but they might cost ya!

If it's getting worse, go to the doctors and let them know, there might be something they can do or advice they can give.

Basically I've discussed this loads..and last time I was at the doctor i forgot to bring it up a few weeks ago as it must have not been my main concern.

I think I can go about the odd day here and there not using the toilet for a bowel movement. But usually when I do it's diarrhea sometimes not..I get periods where 2/3 days in a row it's quite bad diarrhea.

The mucus I mean clear liquid but with tiny spectacles of Diarrhea I guess that's what mucus is? That kind of came last 6 - 12 months. I noticed in my second last job I'd do the toilet more..then it's just been more evident since..going back a few years eating junk started to give me the runs. Eating biscuits and curry's is the worst for me as that's what triggers it.

I've got myself into a fit of health anxiety again..feel "OMG must be something wrong" in my other posts I kept asking but I eventually agreed with somebody who said seek advice or just accept it's anxiety maybe touch of IBS and I forgot about it..but moment I get a day where I get like 3 bowel movments..or if I have a heap load of diarrhea I think "omg, not normal" and panic.

So I duno what to do. Now with anxiety I trained myself to go to the toilet more..if I have a slight urge to urinate then I go and have a squeeze and sometimes mucus comes so I duno with my increased OCD/comfort of using toilets if I can some how train my bowels to go more, like maybe in smaller doses?

My head is muffled in anxiety I'd appreciate any advice..:huh:

Edit: Somebody on another forum suggested it most likely sounds like 'IBS'.

21-03-11, 20:08
Could be IBS, could be anxiety, IBS can be caused by anxiety anyway :) And no, that's not mucus. Mucus looks like snot, it would be stringy and jelly-like, a much thicker consistency than water. And it would likely be a different colour. What you're passing is just thin diarrhoea. Try to change the diet if you can. I personally don't think there's anything wrong, as I've been through this and it never crossed my mind to be anxious about it! I just thought "oh that's probably anxiety" and forgot about it, but I don't suffer from HA and never have, so it's difficult for me to identify sometimes. If you ask me, you worrying about it is making it worse. But I'd nip down the doctors anyway and just tell him all your symptoms and ask his advice on what you can do to settle your guts down. He might have some pills to help you regulate your bowels or he might be able to explain to you what kind of foods you should add or remove from your diet.

Take care and don't worry about it!

27-03-11, 02:16
I have a theory for this clear film when I do the toilet: I suffer OCD where I brush my teeth around 15 times per day could the toothpaste be getting into my system and like mucking it up? or could it be my ocd with Shower gel basically overuse that too?

This most affects me when I urinate actually..it's like a clear film out my back end sometimes with spectacles as I say but could toothpaste be offloading some kind of like wind when I'm doing the toilet? :huh: