View Full Version : Small quick twinge pains in chest

cheesy pete
08-10-10, 22:41
Hi everyone,

Is this a common effect after having felt anxious for the last couple of days?
Went to the doctors yesterday with my acid reflux and she was great. Did an ecg for my peace of mind and everything was clear so i was happy. Prescribed me a different acid reflux drug (omezaprazole) which is slightly stronger dose. Got to organise a camera test which won't be nice but as long as it finds the problem i'll be happy. Feeling so much better today but just these twinges which both me.

Pete :smile:

08-10-10, 22:49
Where is the twinge?

Omeprazole is excellent for indigestion

cheesy pete
08-10-10, 23:06
Twinge is mid chest (slightly to the right). But had some yesterday and had ecg yesterday. ECG was non urgent (doctor told me it wasn't heart related but if i felt i needed one they would do one) and they had a slot so did there and then.

Indigestion is much better today (1 day on omeprazole) and didn't feel anywhere near as sick this morning. Hoping i can lie in tomorrow and get some proper kip!

08-10-10, 23:08
That drug sorts my indigestion out within a day.