View Full Version : cant ignore it any longer

08-10-10, 23:53
have to say it .... i feel so down and hopeless. had weeks of anxiety so bad i couldnt sleep or even sit down some days. replaced by a week or so of numbness had no feelings left.... prefered that to this cos now the feeling down is back and i have too much going on in my head for this ...its overflowing with things i feel i need to sort and think through. i dont want to wake up on a morning anymore feel dissapointed that i do and have to face another day of these feelings. i know things will always be up and down for me but how many times can i get through this ive really had enough. sorry if im not making much sense just have to write it down and admit how i feel even to myself.

09-10-10, 00:05
Hi Kali, I know exactly how you feel I have been there a few times myself. I found the way to get through is just to remember it has got better before and it WILL again. Nothing stays the same forever. I know it feels endless and unbearable to keep going through. I've had set backs and I just think how am i going to go through this again and I don't trust myself to stay sane.

Give yourself lots of things to look forward to if possible. I like to organise things for the weekend to get me through the week. If you feel like there is alot going on in your head you could keep a diary and write in it at the end of every day. That might help you sleep? It helped abit for me.

Keep going, it will start to get better. Try not focus on resenting the situation and just concentrate on the positive things you can do :)


09-10-10, 00:12
It might sound somewhat of a clichéd thing to say and one in which may also feel like an empty gesture, but you're not alone. It's only been four weeks since my first anxiety attack, however I've experienced an obscene amount of emotions, moods, pains, twinges, symptoms and so on. Waking up and facing a new day has become a massive struggle that I would rather not have to deal with.

I don't know your circumstances but there is a lot of help out there, whether it's medication, therapy or simple self-help techniques that you can learn at your own pace. Even getting a jotter and scribbling down your thoughts can help level out your overflowing mind.

A lot of people have setbacks on the road to recovery, so don't feel too disheartened if things don't go to plan. Just stick with it and you will be able to overcome your problems in time, even though you feel stuck.

It looks like SaraJane19 has gotten in before me, but at least you know we're not talking nonsense.

09-10-10, 00:12
thank you. i know what you say is true cos i say it to others. i know it wont last forever but im just sick of fighting it sometimes. i darent write what i think in a book cos id be scared of someone finding it and i dont want people to know what i think. but i do think that would help if i can think of a way of keeping things safe.

09-10-10, 00:29
It's an awful feeling, but one in which many other people who visit this website and forum are also battling with. There are plenty on here who will gladly give you all of their advice and share their experiences for the sake of your health.

As for writing down your thoughts and feelings, you could always write it and then get rid of it once you've gotten it off your chest. Sometimes just the act of getting down on paper what's spinning around in your head can really help. It doesn't mean you have to keep it. If you have a fireplace, burn it. Put it in a paper-shredder. Rip it up into tiny little pieces. You could also see it as ridding yourself of all the negativity.

09-10-10, 16:56
Hi Kali,
i can relate to feeling down and its hard to get back up. Try writing your feelings down and look at the things that make you happy and when you are happy wat made you happy. Hope it passes tc

10-10-10, 03:41
thank you to everyone who has replied i really cant think at the moment. writing my feelings down scares the hell out of me.

10-10-10, 08:46

10-10-10, 12:20
thank you very much i have just opened myself one. but i still feel its not safe. i always feel people are watching and checking up on me how do i know people cant just suddenly get up what ive put what if its not safe and other people can read.