View Full Version : Hello, New Here and Need Support

Don Vito
09-10-10, 12:02
Hello People,

I've been recently diagnosed with depression. My family are helping me out as much as possible and i need to get by the best i can. I'm currently to go and start cognitive therapy and also on Fluoxetine 20mg one daily. I'm currently on my 2nd week and yet they seem to not be working. I'm suffering from all the symptoms and i'm trying my best to get by as possible. I keep having intrusive thoughts and they embarrase me, make me anxious and make me feel that i'm going to act upon them. Please tell me i'm not going mad. Someone please tell me as much as i think of them they go away? I would never act upon it but feel i may. Is this normal?


Thank You.
-Don Vito

09-10-10, 12:05
Hi Don Vito

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-10-10, 12:33
you wont act on them its the illness thats causing you to think this way ,give meds time

Patrick Michael
09-10-10, 12:39
Hello Don Vito

1.No you are not going mad. The medications take a time to build up to what is called a 'half life' dose in your body. If you've only been taking them for just over a week - then that half life dose is still a way to being established - two to three weeks is what they say, but it can take longer. Be patient - as much as you can anyway

2. With the medication - crazily and initially - your symptoms doe seem to HEIGHTEN. The 'intrusive thoughts' are again - this sounds mad - normal. IT WILL SETTLE DOWN.

3. You mention CBT as well. Excellent. Meds work best - if at all - with talking therapies. These will help you evaluate things and get them back into a better more healthy perspective.

4. You are amazing - with all the mayhem going on - you've recognised there is an issue, sought out help - been prescribed meds and arranged CBT. THAT IS PRETTY AMAZING.

5. hang in there. The first step is the hardest. And your family are there for you unconditionally - make use of them.

Good luck


Don Vito
09-10-10, 12:45
Am i a bad person to thinking about these intrusive thoughts?

Thank You
-Don Vito

09-10-10, 14:05
Hi Don Vito - hope you find some comfort and reassurance here :)

I found MoodGym a helpful online tool for working my way through thoughts I really wasn't coping with. It's free cognitive therapy programme online. It might be worth googling and looking at.

09-10-10, 14:31
Hi and welcome. no you arent a bad person for having those thoughts. Youre giving those thoughts power and emotion by worrying about them. I would say everybody has thoughts that are inappropriate, but its just people with a mental health problem that put so much emphasis on them and turn them into something bigger.
If I were to tell you that thinking about cake was very bad, and you would be a bad human for thinking about eating one. Then I can almost guarantee that you would think about cake. Its the same for other thoughts, the more you tell yourself theyre wrong the more it'll crop up in your head.
My advice is to listen to each of these thoughts and make sure you dont try to banish them away. The more you face them, the less they will appear.

paula lynne
09-10-10, 14:46
Hi Don Vito and welcome to a great support network :welcome:

09-10-10, 15:13
:welcome: Don Vito

Don Vito
09-10-10, 15:26
I've recently talked with my Dad and i'm contemplating that i go for a assessment for OCD.

I've had a look at the diagnosis and symptoms. And Depression can be caused by ODC aswell. So.

I will let you all know after my assessment with my GP on the 18th. I hope it is OCD as i may be more happy that i'm not going mad and that it's a dissorder. =]

I hope there is hope

Thank You
-Don Vito