View Full Version : RESCUE REMEDY

08-03-06, 12:19
Does rescue remedy work for that derealisation feeling? After the great day I had yesterday I feel pants today, I phoned my doc and shes just prepaired to give me more pills which I don't want to take due to there side effects, so I suppose rescue remedy is my last hope.

08-03-06, 12:31
Im no expert but i would guess that rescue remedy would not get rid of the feelings of derealisation, i have tried it a few times and it doesn't really have much of an effect at all on me.
I have read that derealisation is caused by mental & emotional fatigue and by thinking and worrying too much.
Our thoughts are supposed to flit lightly from subject to subject without too much concentration but when we are metally tired thoughts stick and too much intense concentration and worry makes us go into ourselves so things seem strange on the outside and the funny wierd feelings of derealisation.
Sorry i cant explain it better.
The best thing to do is not to try and get rid of it because by worrying and wanting rid you are creating a vicious cycle, the more tense you get the worse the derealisation will get.
I know its hard and its a really horrible feeling but try not to let it upset you too much.
I understand how you feel though as i get this often too.
Take Care

08-03-06, 12:40
Thanks for that, i think a good sleep would cure a lot of my problems, but I affraid to close my eyes as I start thinking into things, The doctor was going to give me diazepam but I don't like the sound of it.

08-03-06, 12:56
I have had some problems with side effects from tablets in the past and my doc gave me some diazepam. They seem to be ok for me, i haven't had any side effects from them. The only problem is if you take them for a long period they can be very addictive.
Hope you find some help and feel better soon.
Take Care

08-03-06, 12:58
Diazipan is ok,oviously everyone is different.. but its not too bad,i had a low dose... was too worried about the side effects, 2mg just takes the edge of----im sure you too will find them fine.

ash x

08-03-06, 13:05
hi there,i find to take that horrid feelin away,it is good to breath in deeply an slowly using an essential oil,i use grapfriut oil or olbas oil,i know it's 4 colds but it has many oils in it and it clears my head/brain!i take diazapam too,i have never become adicted and i have been on it 4 18 years!No that doesnt mean i need to take them every day,i have only ever taken them when i am having a panic attack,no side effcts at all for me.They can help you relax into sleep too.Try the oils.Hope it helps you.love Mary-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

08-03-06, 13:27

I used to use rescue remedy it worked with the panic abit but it left me feeling very low the next day. I dont know if your aware but it contains a high volume of bandy...meant to preserve the remedy.
At the end of the day...we are all different what may work for one many not suit another...its just a case of finding what works and helps and what doesnt but to be honest I cant see it helping with derealisation.

08-03-06, 17:03
Rescue Remedy - Help needed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2298)
rescue remedy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2303)
Bach Rescue remedy Experience (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3967)
rescue remedy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5577)

I have not found it to cure derealization. I found yoga / exercise really helped when used alternately


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?