View Full Version : Anxiety/depression

09-10-10, 12:23
I suffer with this after the death of my mum i never been the same,my symptoms are

think i evey illness under the sun
stomach upsets
panic attacks
constant UTi's
not wanting to talk much to others

My Dr did perscribe medicatin but i didn't want to take as the side affects i have been reading are bad,i was wondering if there are any natural thinsg i could take to help me i think the worse thing is the shaking!!

I have had full bloods done in June this year all normal.

09-10-10, 12:47
Sorry but what's a UTI?
The stress and internal anguish of losing a loved one is enough to send anybody into the place you're in, shaking is you burning the adrenaline off I think.

09-10-10, 13:30
UTI is a urinary tract infection.
Hi Haz, may i suggest a beta blocker like propranalol. It will help to alleviate the shaking you feel.

09-10-10, 13:37
Urinary Tract Infections? If so how many litres of water are you drinking per day?

There's lots of suggestions in the Natural Remedies forum, including passion flower, valerian root, different types of vitamins. Take a look and see if you can find some old posts that echo your needs.

Try watermelon and coconut water to even out your blood sugar levels to try ease the shakes, and taking a regular supplement like valerian root or hops to keep you relaxed. Cut out caffeine and switch to herbal teas like chamomile and and peppermint which are relaxing and help ease a sore tum.


10-10-10, 09:14
Urinary Tract Infections? If so how many litres of water are you drinking per day?

There's lots of suggestions in the Natural Remedies forum, including passion flower, valerian root, different types of vitamins. Take a look and see if you can find some old posts that echo your needs.

Try watermelon and coconut water to even out your blood sugar levels to try ease the shakes, and taking a regular supplement like valerian root or hops to keep you relaxed. Cut out caffeine and switch to herbal teas like chamomile and and peppermint which are relaxing and help ease a sore tum.


Thanks will take a look

10-10-10, 13:23
Check this page out for the anxiety: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/remedies/

UTI: cranberry and vit c

stomach upset: probiotic yogurt whih also feels nice and soothing
