View Full Version : Paxil is causing more intrusive thoughts???

09-10-10, 15:14
I have always suffered from depression and when I was younger I did worry about being gay and having feelings of guilt or shame associated with different things. But it went away and then I suffered, back in 2007, from severe obsessions and intrusive thoughts. They all started when my boyfriend at the time, told me he had sexual dreams about his mum, this disturbed me but I thought no more about it.
Then we broke up and I was looking at poems I had written which I had forgotten about, I found these poems to be extremely distressing and shameful and was suddenly overcome by feelings of shame and guilt which havent subsided since.
I went through so many obsessions including:
Thinking that I was crazy and wierd for writing those poems.
Thinking that I was crazy and wierd or going skitzo for having
imaginary conversations with myself as if someone is there like I
always have.
Then I had a dream in which I kissed someone who looked remotely like my dad and remembered this dream whilst sitting with him and the rest of my family and this is when it all really went crazy.
I started seeing sexual things in my head concerning my dad and worrying that I fancied him and asking what if Im capable of incest? and if I did act on these thoughts would I like it?
I then started feeling uncomfortable around my sisters new baby, saying bad things in my head about her and having bad images.
But the thing that stayed with me was the questions about my dad, it overtook my life but in time I overcame them and they went away but theyve always been in the back of my mind.
I started travelling and started on anti depressants, citalopram (became suicidal), then sertraline, then mirtazapine (put on weight) then I came off them and decided to go back on them recently and am now on paxil, 20mg and I have started having these urges or wierd feeling and questions again about my dad and generally feel wierd like I have urges or feeling the need to prove that I wouldnt like incest!

I have been on paxil for 4 days and am wondering if thats whats bringing these things up or if its cuz Im back living at home now and have been for months and have just come out of another relationship when I moved back home. But I keep asking myself why this one question about my dad has stuck with me and does it mean that Im capable of it? what worries me even more is that my dads quite good looking so I cant say that hes repulsing as a person and I keep thinking if theres some part of me that is capable of that, it feels like a general wierd feeling, uhm....down there its wierd, like anxiety and a slight urge to something immoral that i dont want to do? I need help as I dont want to get back to how I was before and I know I have control but this uncertainty and 'wierd feeling' wont go away.

09-10-10, 15:15
Hi This.too.shall.pass

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-10-10, 19:44
why is no-one replying to my post?

Vanilla Sky
09-10-10, 21:57
Just wanted to welcome you to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

09-10-10, 22:11
The very fact that you are obsessing and worrying about these thoughts show that they are intrusive thoughts caused by anxiety/depression. Never in a million years would you even WANT to carry out these thoughts. Thoughts and obsessions are very unpleasant symptoms, but can be overcome like any other anxiety symptoms. Yes, perhaps the meds are making you feel worse. Some people seem to be more anxious when beginning meds and this is perhaps why the thoughts are at their worst again. The thoughts are not important. They depend on your dislike of them to keep them happening. When you lose your fear of them then they don't matter and it's not mattering that is the key to recovery. I'd perhaps wait and see how the meds work out. If in a week or so they are making you feel so bad, then I think it's time to have a rethink about them. You'll see numerous posts on nmp about intrusive thoughts, in every shape and form, so please don't despair. You are not alone.:flowers:

paula lynne
09-10-10, 22:16
Belated welcome to you x:welcome:nice to know you x

10-10-10, 12:27
Thanks everyone =) I hope that I will find this site usefull in dealing with these thoughts with people in the same situation and mind frame about it, I find that my family arent very supportive about talking about these things and getting help, they make me feel ashamed to want to say my problems out loud and try to get help, as if Im wallowing in it and I want to be this way. My sister says that all the time, that I need to grow up and get over it and stop wanting to be crazy.

10-10-10, 18:40
You are not alone,sounds like you are suffering from ocd obssessive thoughts, try reading 'The Imp Of The Mind', it explains the best way to help yourself with this debilitating problem. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy really does help and there is lots of good information on this site.

Fly away Katie
10-10-10, 22:26
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x