View Full Version : Does anyone else feel this way?

08-03-06, 12:54
I am so glad I found this site and its been a welcome relief to read about other peoples experiences and I can relate to them and understand how they feel ((((((hugs)))))) to you all.

I had to give up work about a year ago as the panic took over completely and I then became agurophobic (spelling? lol) since then I have started to manage to leave the house again but can only go short distances on my own and cant really venture anywhere alone at this point. To make matters worse my car broke down which I am quite dependant upon as it gets me home quick lol if I cant cope.....anyway since then I have slipped back a little but what has really started to get to me are the comments of my family and friends....cos I was so upset not having a car anymore my only means of getting out of the house they are all saying....well if you cant afford one etc...you need to go to work to be able to have a car etc.
Dont they think i would go to work if I could??????
They can be so insensitive...get off your a**e and get a job, i work for my money etc.
I find all there comments insensitive and very hard to deal with and I end up yelling at them at times.
So frustarted.
J xx

08-03-06, 13:06
Hi Skye

Hunny i know how you feel exactly. I have agraphobia to & i do'nt think either of my sisters know really how to understand it.
I am fighting hard like you to get back on track & we can do this together hun.

Keep Positive


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

08-03-06, 13:11
oh J,people are insensative,i know.They simply dont understand!!I have said to people in the past,'do you seriously think i want to feel like this,that i want to be scared all the time'it seems to take the wind out of their sails 4 a moment and make them think.i am the same as you sweetie,agoraphobic[tho i am getin bit better]and i am here if u ever wnt to talk,pm me if u want to.i thinkin of you.love Mary-Rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-03-06, 17:14

This is extremely common for noone to understand and for you to get irritable and frustrated about it.

Thats one of the reasons why sites like these are soo vital


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-03-06, 22:53
Hi J

Great to hear from you and read your post. Here for you and understand how hard this is.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

08-03-06, 23:49
Hey Skye. Im so sry you feel like this. I know exactly what its like and how hard it is to explain to people. Most people cant understand it unless theyve been through it. But Believe it or not theres a lot of us :) And there ARE a lot of people who, even if they havent been through it will do their best to understand.

I havent been to the forum in quite awhile. And yurs was one of the first topics i noticed. Just wanted to tell you that things will eventually get better. They seem to go in cycles for me. I get bad for awhile and then i get better... and so on. I hope you are doing alright. Good luck dear!


10-03-06, 13:13
hi skye,

It is hard when people dont understand, it's just because they dont have a clue about anxiety. And if it was so easy to cope with ,and if it was just simply a case of "snapping out of it", then this forum wouldnt exist. But things can and do get better. so hang on in there, xx

"A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

10-03-06, 14:47
Reading for sufferers of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=reading)

j, have you read claire weekes book, especially "essential help for your nerves". if your family read this it may help them to see that what you are going through is hard and that it is not just a matter of pulling up your socks etc. if only it was

sometimes though it is impossible to make people see what you are going through if they have not suffered themselves, so you just gotta educate yourself and make it better

on that front the book i mention would be really helpful to you in your recovery which i am sure you want so much

also i found to off load my fears on this site was the way to leave my family alone. i no longer tell them how i feel or try to get them to understand, i tell these poor people here instead, sorry fo that folks but you really help.

i hope this helps. you can get the book from the site above

good luck

10-03-06, 14:51
Hi Skye

Welcome aboard.

Have you had any help from professionals atall? Like some sort of counselling etc.

You may be interested in this post I did today - sounds like it could help you...

No Panic Telephone Recovery Programme (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=8317)


11-03-06, 00:24
I think it is impossible for people who have never experienced anxiety, to understand how you are feeling. I have had anxiety for as long as I can remember and it has recently developed into agoraphobia, and many of my friends think that I'm different, and that I've 'changed' and that I dont' want to see them. I explain to them what it really is, and all they think is that it's an excuse, or that I'm lazy, not ever wanting to go anywhere or do anything. when in actuality it's because I have a fear of getting a panic attack anywhere that isn't 'safe' (according to me, haha). I totally understand how you are feeling, I get told to 'suck it up' a lot. which is maddening. just remember you have a huge group of people here who DO understand you.


12-03-06, 14:03
I know how you feel, i cannot leave the house on my own, and then i only go to the local shop, i have 2 small children and i hate it when my mum tells me to take them to mother and baby i would love to but i can't, i just physically cannot do it at the moment! I also saw a doctor who said there was nothing wrong with me and i could go out to work, i can't leave the house on my own so i'd get far...not!!!