View Full Version : Interview on PTSD

09-10-10, 16:55
Hi everyone, had a few emails from people asking me what I do. Recent interview I done with some psychology students regarding my work with PTSD. They asked me to squeeze in as much info as possible, within a 10 minute slot. Sorry, but I can talk all day on this subject, so was over. Only 14 minutes long, Still not enough time, but hope you get an idea.

Click link for interview. http://www.vimeo.com/15637423



09-10-10, 21:35
Never heard any questions asked so hardly an interview!
It would be interesting to see some evidence on what the 'interview' was for and by whom it was conducted.

I was also a bit concerned regarding the statement about people being in CBT for 2 years, this would clearly not be CBT as it is a brief approach and time limited.

Also, I believe in science/evidence/fact/etc, and am yet to see some scientific evidence for EFT for PTSD, maybe you could point me in the direction of some research.

Sorry if this reply seems a bit negative but i am still yet to see any evidence in EFT at all, again maybe you could point me in the right direction, or maybe all this negativity means me meridian energy lines need unblocking.


10-10-10, 17:49
Hi tube82,

I have no need to justify myself to you regarding interview. I have personally worked with British service men/women. Who have been in CBT for 2yr periods. Yes I agree it's brief therapy. However, when one suffers from PTSD. Especially our brave war hero's, they don't always wish to venture out and attend their appointments. So my remark was indeed correct.

Yes, we all know your a CBT therapist and as such, you may see your view more important. Only because 'NICE' puts you within such an elite of people. However instead of me bowing down to your belief of science and edvidence. I'm all result based.

There is evidence that you may wish to read, but I doubt it will make no difference to your viewpoint...Because from your remark it is evident that I couldn't change your view even if I wanted too.

So, I will always agree to differ...You enjoy your CBT with all your science. I will love my energy psychology, of which I've been using since 2004. Before that, I was the establishment counsellor - therapist. I do what gets results.

Research link... http://www.carolehope.com/eftresearch.html

EFT for war trauma http://vimeo.com/8411443

Peace be with you tube82...

10-10-10, 19:06
More info for you Tube82.

Two youtube clips of wonderful & tearful help that a group of friends did in Rwanda last year.



The next clip is of PTSD healing in Kosovo. Next year, I'm due to visit Kosovo with the healing hands network.

Now ask yourself...What more evidence do you require. I touch and touched by peoples heart.

Clearly your work within the left brain operative...Remember, I do know about counselling and psychotherapy. I am still qualified in such therapy...However I now teach and get 'TRUE' results from the heart.

Tell me, would you not shed a 'Tear' if a 9yr old child sat opposite you and told you, they witnessed their mother raped and father shot in the back of the head...CBT cannot and never will be able to heal that kind of terror.

Answer me that!!! I decided to grow and expand my knowledge to help others, yet you sit and question your own understanding. It just doesn't fit your therapy framework...Move on.

This is a major issue for people that work within an elitist group. Attack the outside, for fear of breaking in!!!

I will not comment on this subject any more...Results speak for themselves.


Forgot to mention...Please check this wonderful charity out, Dedicated to the relief of suffering caused by war and disaster in Kosovo.

