View Full Version : Pain - Women only!!

09-10-10, 17:33

For the last few weeks, I have had an aching in the left side of my vulva and sometimes a bit further down. Sometimes, it feels more like a stingy pain. It is worse if I sit on hard surfaces and particularly bad if I have been cycling. I have had a small sebaceous cyst diagnosed on that side too several weeks ago but I don't think it is anything to do with this as it doesn't hurt and is now very small (almost not there!!). I don't have any bleeding or sore looking skin or itching.

The wierd thing is that I also have buttock, thigh and groin pain on that side - sometimes my leg almost gives way like a sciatica type of pain that radiates round my pelvis. The pain here and the vulva often coincide but are not there all the time. As I have a health anxiety, I keep thinking I have vulvar cancer, bone cancer or something awful.

I guess I should just go back to the doctors and face this but I am worried. Has anyone ever had anything similar or have any suggestions?

09-10-10, 18:39
I've had all sorts of weird aches and pains in that area on and off for the past couple of years. Have been checked out each time and has never turned out to be anything. Since it's related to female bits, it's probably better to just go to doctor and see if you need a scan or some other type of test done, even just for piece of mind. But It's probably just one of those things where there's no explanation!

09-10-10, 20:47
It could be coming from you back as both my husband and I have herniated lumbar discs and he gets terrible pain in his scrotum on the affected side and I can get stinging prickly tingling pains in my girl bits and round groin affecting buttock whre you sit and sometimes pubic bone area as well but its irritated nerves. I also get it if I sit on hard seats for too long as this puts pressure on the nerves in your bum as well.

If the pain is coming from the cyst you will find it very painful if you press cyst as I had one that turned into an abcess and gave similar pain to my referred back pain but was distinguishable becasue it was painful locally as well over cyst/abcess.

09-10-10, 21:37
Thanks for both your replies.

I will go back to the doctors next week. I really don't think it is pain from the cyst either. I haven't had a sebaceous cyst there before but I have had several bartholins cysts and abcesses and they were very much a localised pain.

I think it may well be connected to the buttock, thigh and groin pain on that side too. It seems to start at the bottom of my back, go down my left bottom cheek and round my groin into the vulva. There are a couple of points that a really tender at the bottom of my back, buttock and groin by the vulva too.

Thanks again. I hate the way this health anxiety makes me think the worst all the time!!

09-10-10, 21:40
trapped nerve sciaticy type thing, sounds like. I had it years ago when I cycled a lot. It can depend on how you cycle ....uphill, steep camber, downhill, braking? I think the pressure on the pedals and maybe the fit of the saddle can cause it depending on how you ride. I don't have it now but could do to cycle to lose a pound or two!

10-10-10, 18:19
hi jo3016 you have exactly the same symptoms as me and ive been to the drs for it had physio for it but nothing works my symptoms are achey sometimes burning pain in whole but mostly left vulva/ pain inside left vaginal wall/ left groin /left inner thigh /left buttock/left side of back/ left thigh down front sometimes even left side of anus tmi i suggest you read up on pudendal nerve entrapment or pelvic floor myalgia these seem to fit some of the symptoms because the drs have been no help on this condition ive had it for 2 years please get in touch if you need to i really symperthise with you because no one seems to know much about it x

10-10-10, 20:55
i too get the buttox pain and leg groin pain! feel it some days and sometimes it doesnt bother me at all but then when i get thinking about it, seems to get worse :mad: