View Full Version : i need help!! is it coming back?!

09-10-10, 17:51
hi. i havent been on in a while. ive felt great. anxiety basically gone. i been back at uni which is why its been better i think. im trying to tell myself its never going to come back but today im a little unsure. ive beenn unwell and been through some really horrible things recently which i would normally panic about but got through everything fine. things as i knew them have changed recently and last night and today ive thought about the past alot and it kinda making me feel bit funny.....im scared things will get bad again and i wont be able to do anything about it. i seem to get bad when ive been staying in for a while maybe its when i get bit restless. i just feel like there is a surge bubbling up at the moment. like i need a big cry or scream. lol.. is that all anxiety is....built up emotion and anger do you think? sometimes i think that. i also been thinking i must be mad recently. cause i been so ok. and cause ive just been cheated on i bit messed up by it and doing some irratic things to make me feel better but deep down they dont help. does anyone have any suggestions. ??
i cant afoord to get bad again. at uni i do performing arts and i cant be anxious or it will interfere with me getting on stage etc. i just wanna move on from my bad past but i worry if i bottle it up then it will come out like it did over the summer. in complete general anxiety. help!! lol.. is this just a momentary laps or am i sinking again? xxxx

09-10-10, 17:59
Hi holly23, I too seem to have got over my anxieties (mostly my health anxiety) but fear it coming back again! I think once you have had anxieties, you will always have them but will have hopefully learnt how to deal with them and will have had more experience in coping, I wouldn't worry too much, all I would say is cross that bridge when and if you come to it! All the best


09-10-10, 18:38
thankyou. i think i just need to keep changing the way i think, if i thinking of bad thoughts straight away think off something good. i couldnt do that before but i am now....i think.! lol. x

09-10-10, 19:59
I thought I overcame them, but with the whole grandma dying and then stress being in another country its all coming back again. But I can deal with it a lot better and if it does come back cause you have overcome it once you know you can do it again and you have the tools to deal with it better. However, I think this does not sound like it is coming back. It just sounds like normal anxiety that any person would have if they went through what you have been through! You just need good thearpy like shopping or having a massive cry on a friend, and you will find it will get easier. Do not let it bottle up though, cause thats how I became my first panic attack, cause I bottled a load of shit inside, which then can lead to that. so yeah. let out what you need to x x x