View Full Version : update

09-10-10, 19:52
Hey, a week or so ago I wrote a post about my grandma dying and I was anxious cause I had to fly to Austria for the funeral, so I thought I would update.

Well I am back home now. The flight was quite bad, as I felt like I just wanted to escape the plane all the time but I made it because I wanted to for my grandma. The funeral was hard and I did feel anxious for quite a few days after because I was away from home, but I kept strong and tried to distract myself. :) For some reason, the flight back was a lot worse and I just had to get off the plane but making myself listen to a audio book and trying to fall asleep helped.However, before I went to sleep when I got home yesterday, I had a panic attack and I have been feeling all anxious and panicky again. It's annoying because I thought I overcame them a few weeks ago and now they seem to have come back. However, I'm a fighter just like you all and I really hope I can fight it again!


paula lynne
09-10-10, 20:06
Hi Nat Ive been wondering if you made it over, well done thats amazing, even if it was uncomfortable..you did it x
A positive. x:D

09-10-10, 21:11
What a sad time for you, i think you should be proud of yourself for flying and attending a funeral. Even for a non panic sufferer this woud be a lot to ask of someone.
Be gentle on yourself you have just lost your Grandma - it takes time to recover from a bereavement.

Take comfort from your achievements you Grandma would be so proud of youxxx

09-10-10, 23:04
Well done hunni your grandma would be so proud. I'd say it understandable to have a panic attack after what you have just been through its a tough time for you. Your right we are fighters and you can fight this again. Good luck xxx