View Full Version : heartburn - or heart problems?

09-10-10, 21:19
I keep getting sharp pains in my chest, sometimes its central and sometimes my under my left boob. Sometimes it's in my back too? Occasionally my left arm hurts a bit too - it feels like weak/numb. It hurts sometimes when I breathe in and it's a weird pain, I keep burping too :blush: I've had this on and off for a while now and I get really bad heartburn at night too to the point I get a horrible taste and my throat feels like sandpaper. Sometimes I get this weird out of breath feeling then burp and it goes. Gaviscon doesn't always help and it's these last couple of nights that the pain has got really sore - though I should say I've had heartburn on and off since I was thirteenish and I'm a bit overweight so that might contribute? I'm starting to worry though, I googled and most webpages say to go to a&e with these symptoms. I have a chest x ray on Tuesday, will that pick things up? Or should I make another appt to see a doctor (never mind I've had 2 in 2 weeks :blush:)? I've had 5ml gaviscon and a bit of milk to see if that will settle things - it got really bad after I had a lot of chocolate earlier, oops haha.

09-10-10, 21:32
worst thing you did was google.....it always always throws up worst case scenario, it doesnt sound heart related as certain feeling go when you burp,has your doctor offered you any ppi's, they take away all the gases hence stopping pain if its caused by gas. A chest x-ray will show up things like a swollen heart-lung problems etc but it does sound like heartburn or too much gas

09-10-10, 21:44
Thanks :) Yeah, I hope so, it's now mainly sore when I take a deep breath and hurts on the left side of my back, my mum says she reckons it's just heartburn though.

09-10-10, 21:46
daisycake, am I wrong in thinking you've had a quite a number of ECG'S?

It sounds exactly like acid reflux to me. I have this frequently. You can also try Omeperazole which you can buy over the counter and is very effective.x

09-10-10, 22:08
I had one when I was fifteen. But it was more like I got an operation and they put a heart monitor on me when I was under (I think something to do with the fact that I had tubes down my nose and stuff but not sure). But haven't had any ECGs other than that. Yeah I have to go to chemist on Mon anyway to get other stuff so I'll pick it up then as well :) I've got gaviscon tablets at my flat which work well, but I'm at home just now and all my mum has is that horrible liquid gaviscon which isn't working at all!

09-10-10, 22:15
Sorry hun, I think I'm confusing you with someone else. Put it down to a senior moment, lol!!:D

Yeh, I would highly recommend Omeperazole. It is good at calming down the stomach acid that is causing your burping, pain, etc. I don't find Gaviscon much help really myself like you say.

It is ruddy annoying though, acid reflux and can be very painful extending right up into the shoulder area.

Hope you feel better soon.xxxx

09-10-10, 22:40
You can also try Omeperazole which you can buy over the counter and is very effective.x

I thought that was a prescription only drug?

09-10-10, 22:45
Hi debs I think you may be thinking about me I think you posted a reply to one of my threads. I've had numerous ecgs a stress test a 24 holter monitor tape and still think I have heart problems. Am I wrong in thinkin your a nurse? I have chest pains burning throat a tight achy chest dometimes sharp pains which has been put down to acid reflux but I'm still convinced there heart pains what do you think? Also my throat feels really tight. Daisy cake I hope you feel better soon chest pain is awful and scary. Xxxx

09-10-10, 22:47
I also thought it was a perscription only drug I'm on lanzoprazole and my doc said I can only get it from him. X

09-10-10, 23:10
No, it used to be prescription only but you can now buy Omeprazole tabs over the counter. I got some a month or so ago from Boots (own brand heartburn 10mg tabs)

Oh yes Sammi, I'm sorry I was thinking of you! I'm losing it I think, lol. It does sound very heartburn like, your symptoms. The problem is the pain can be so intense it makes you suspect a heart issue, but acid reflux can get that bad. If it is bad enough it can extend right up the oesophagus giving you sore throat problems and the tightness you mention. Just try bombarding it with Gaviscon and Omeperazole - I find Omeperazole settles the stomach acid whilst Gaviscon liquid is more of a comfort for the burning feelings you get with it.

09-10-10, 23:20
Aw thankyou for the advice. I have had a sore throat too. Your right the pain is so intense but I've had all the heart tests so should know by now its not my heart. Thanks again xx

10-10-10, 00:01
No probs. Hope you feel better soon.xx:hugs:

11-10-10, 18:34
Thanks for advice everyone :hugs:I am getting so fed up lol, had this for nearly a week now. I'm dead worried as my left arm goes weak and numb and tingly and cold at the same time as my chest hurts - it feels like someone driving a knife into the centre of my chest.. I'm getting chest x rays tommorow as I've been coughing up blood stained stuff so maybe it'll all be related? I'm tempted to phone NHS 24 for advice.

11-10-10, 19:09
I've phoned NHS 24 and they arew asking me to see a 24 hr doctor up at the hospital - my mum is angry because she is worried, I don't know what to do, I'm really frightened as I have to go up to the hospital myself and I'm scared, they must think there's something wrong?

11-10-10, 19:33
NHS direct will always send you to A&E. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

11-10-10, 21:06
:yesyes: :) Went to 24 hour walk in - doctor checked my heart and BP and that, said everything is OK and has given me a prescrption for heartburn stuff. Says that I need more help with the anxiety and that the sooner the pyschology (was reffered to them a week ago) comes through, the better - relieved to say the least!!

11-10-10, 22:56
Well that's good news generally then hun. At least you have some confirmation of it being heartburn.xxx:yesyes:

11-10-10, 23:20
Yeah definitely :) doctor was lovely too - he wasn't bad looking either haha :blush: felt stupid being up there as everyone else in the waiting room seemed pretty ill compared to moi however the doctor said better safe than sorry and all that! Apparently NHS24 will automatically send you to get seen if you have chest and arm pain..

11-10-10, 23:28
he said it might be worth getting my thyroid checked as well, I have the Dr on the 5th so I'll ask her then and see what she says.. It's odd this - people wanting to help and sort things, my old GP just laughed and said if I calmed down things would get better.. suddenly everyone is wanting to help me, it's taking a lot of getting used to haha

11-10-10, 23:54
Good old indigestion accounts for a lot of chest pains - did they give you omeprazole?

12-10-10, 00:08
Yeah I'm away to pick it up in the morning :)