View Full Version : Head Rushes and blurry vision.

09-10-10, 21:47
For the last couple of says i have been having episodes of what i consider head rushes... they also feel like a sinking feeling or adrenline rushes...... sometimes i get one or two then i will get about 5 in one hour.... they are scaring the hell out of me... they get worse when im tired.. i constantly have my ears popping i dont know if that has anything todo with it the doctor said i had no problems in my ears but maybe fluid but she couldnt se as it is in middle ear... also half my face constantly feels swollen bellow my eye and cheek...

anyone know what this is?

also my vision sometimes becomes blurry.

09-10-10, 22:17

09-10-10, 22:35
How lon has it been goin on? Do you have any other anxiety issues normally? If your doctor can't find anything then this is a good thing. Do you exercise at all? Not using up the energy in your body means it might do some funny things.

09-10-10, 23:03

I get head rushes, my anx is quite high lately so im getting more of them.

mandie x

09-10-10, 23:07
Hiya thanks guys for your responses i really appricate this!

the doctor in my opinion hasnt really looked! i haven't been that active latley i have been just in bed feeling sorry for my self :(