View Full Version : Sore ears and throat

10-10-10, 03:46
Hi Guys, I know I've been posting a lot lately, but bare with me please, my health anxiety is back :weep: My ers and throat have been sore since I woke up this morning and my throat has been sore on and off for weeks. I have had a few colds in a few months, but I'm worried about this. My throat is scratchy and sore when I swallow and my ears feel fluidy and sore and my appeitite is on the outer again too with everything I eat leaves me feeling a bit yuck, please help!:shrug:

10-10-10, 08:55

10-10-10, 15:07
You sound a bit run down Krystal. Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids, including some nice hot water with a slice of lemon. Eat some yogurt to coat your throat when you feel like coughing. Have you got any eucalyptus oil or olbas oil? Steam will help to clear out all the fluid, big bowl of boiling water and a damp towel over your head.

Are you eating a balanced diet? Grab a multivit and some vit c.
