View Full Version : GAD and tremors

10-10-10, 10:09
Hello everyone,
I have a question regarding GAD and tremors.
About two years ago i started suffering from major tremors in my hands and legs. Almost like shivering at times. Sometimes so bad in my hands that i couldn't hold a drink unless the cup/glass was only about half full. These tremors were always worse when stressed or worrying about something.
At that time i didn't know of GAD and didn't even mention my being worried or anxious to the doctor when i went see them. I was referred to a neurologist who basically just asked about the tremors and did some basic movement tests etc, before diagnosing me with an essential tremor. I was put on Propranolol to control the tremors.
Over the past coupe of years since then i have been getting more and more anxiety and sleep problems. My doctor didn't seem to think anything was wrong and told me to take a holiday as i was getting too stressed. Things got to the point where i changed doctors and went to see the new one. The doctor quite quickly said i was classic a GAD sufferer, no doubt about it in her mind and prescribed Escitalopram. She said i could keep taking the Propranolol for the essential tremor.
My question is what are your thoughts on the essential tremor being just a symptom of GAD and not actually an essential tremor?