View Full Version : Hi I am Caz

10-10-10, 11:40
I have joined today because I think I am on the verge or having what is called a 'nervous breakdown' I am very scared and my actions are definitlely making things worse for me.

I dont know what to do :weep:

10-10-10, 11:42
Hi cazbah26

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-10-10, 12:37
Hi Caz. I had a breakdown April 2009. It is frightening. It's basically your brain's way of taking time out and forcing you to do something. The best thing I did was telling my friends and asking for help. What actions are you worried about?

10-10-10, 15:02
Hi Thanks for reply,

I am bascially avoiding doing things(work and study), have backed out of my usual social life, but I am unable to let others know they cant lean on me so still have lots of people relying on me.

I have been to GP and am on an increased dose of Citalopram started 20mg in July and now on 40mg.
It doesnt seem to be doing anything.

I am stressed, anxious, cannot sleep, panicky all the time and very emotional.

I have lots of good reasons to be stressed but have faced worse challenges in the past so why am I crumbling now?

Fly away Katie
10-10-10, 22:24
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x

10-10-10, 22:51
Hi Caz welcome to the forum, I hope you soon start to feel at home here.:)

10-10-10, 23:59
What challenges are you facing? Has your GP referred you for therapy or prescribed anything for anxiety? Have you told your family or friends how you feel?