View Full Version : Blocked Ear

10-10-10, 14:47
Hi all

I currently have a blocked right ear and it's been irritating me something awful, it first became prominent about yesterday - basically it's my right ear and it feels blocked/slightly muffled. Also my throat has been sore for a while and was very sore and also felt slightly blocked yesterday when my ear problems first became noticeable.

I've tried all the usual breath out techniques and the like but they have not helped, was just wondering if anyone could suggest any information or tips.

margaret jones
10-10-10, 14:54
Hi try some inhalation with menthol crystals or olibas oil it will help unblock your sinuses /ears .

10-10-10, 14:57
Hi ZMan,

Ear, nose and throat are all linked so you may have a viral upper respiratory infection, but if things don't settle down get to your GP as you may need antibiotics. The blocked ear can be helped either by a few drops of olive oil or normal ear drops like Otex which you can buy in the chemist. For the blocked feeling in your throat, it may be because it is slightly inflamed, but steaming is a good way of unblocking the airways too. Just a bowl of hot water (preferably with some karvol capsules/menthol mixed in) put a towel over your head and lots of deep inhalation.

Hope you feel better soon,


10-10-10, 14:58
A few drops of olive oil can help loosen any wax inside the ear ZMan. Also a bit of heat will help even out any air pressure in the ear - use a hair dryer if you have one to blow over the ear, but not into the ear. If not, put a warm pad on the ear like a warm wet flannel.

Your throat might be sore from trying to swallow and unblock yr ears.

Hope it gets better by tomorrow, if not see the doc. I get infections in my ears, and it feels ruddy awful.


10-10-10, 15:21
Thanks for your replies and advice everyone, it's appreciated.

I also forgot to mention I have quite bad acid reflux which I was also thinking may have something to do with it, does anyone know if this is the case ?

10-10-10, 15:31
It would explain the sore throat!


10-10-10, 15:32
Reflux can cause a painful sore throat very easily, also you could just have a blocked ear and reflux - thats what the doctor told me, he looked in my ear and said it needs the nurse to sort it out.

10-10-10, 15:47
I get blocked ear on a daily basis, it just happens, lke they need to pop, don't know how to explain it really.
It's on the symptoms page though?