View Full Version : Will I ever get over this? Health anxiety stopping me living

10-10-10, 15:42
Hi All,

I have suffered from health anxiety for a number of years, and although I freak out about every little symptom to a degree, my biggest concern is over my breathing - when I get anxious and hyperventilate, I become fixated on it and think that I'm going to suddenly stop, or lose control of it and collapse and die.

I suffer from anxiety in certain social situations anyway (crowded spaces, 'confined' spaces such as cinemas, theatre etc, where I know I have to be and feel like I can't escape for a fixed amount of time). And the thought of doing anything that will make me anxious means that I'll turn down doing so much in favour of sitting at home, because for some reason I feel less anxious here... well, sometimes.

Just this afternoon my friend asked if I'd like to go for a walk in the woods, but my brain's like, "what if your breathing goes funny in the middle of the woods and you're miles from emergency help?"... which pretty much, if I do go out, limits me to places that I hope aren't far from a hospital or something.

Another friend has invited me to see some bands play tonight, but I went to see one on Friday and got anxious and hyperventilated and concentrated on my breathing the whole time I was there... so I don't want to go to this one because I'm sure it will be the same.

The funny thing is that I've travelled alone to America twice this year, and Lord knows how I managed that, but I did. I was sooo scared but I did it, and I thought it would help me overcome some of the issues I feel back at home... but they didn't.

I feel like I'm stuck in limbo because I'm too scared to do anything, really, without a huge pre-occupation about my health and breathing the whole time.

Can anyone relate, or offer some advice?

Sorry to ramble so much.

11-10-10, 02:28
I know it feels like it'll never go away. I've been where you are before! I still worry about my breathing and stuff to a degree, but I've improved heaps! Now when I go out I don't check google maps for the nearest hospital or doctor! Haha. I've been seeing a psychiatrist for a while and I'm on medication, but I think what helped me the most to overcome my panic attacks aand severe anxiety was the fact that I got so fed up with not being able to do things that I started to just do them anyway even with the sheer terror that something might happen. And slowly it got easier. It's hard, and I know it's hell scary, but try to go out and do things anyway. I understand the band thing, the first gig I went to after all my anxiety and panic attacks all I could think about was my breathing and lasting through it! But the more you do it the better it gets. Don't limit your life because you are afraid of something. You've been to America alone, TWICE. Remember that you were strong enough to do that and you can do anything else :) Just believe in yourself and push through the anxiety.

Natalie x
11-10-10, 14:02
Hi. Im the exact same as you and i know how you feel and how hard it is. My anxiety stared 5 years ago but only got worse a year ago and i developed H.A just recently and its making my life hell. I worry about any slight pain or ailment i get and get into a panic about most things. It has stopped me doing so many things like going out with friends, shopping etc. and it has caused strain on friendships and my relationship. I am currently attending cbt and am on homeopathic tablets which have helped a little. I have a night out on Friday for my friends birthday and i just know that i'll be a bag of nerves. Why cant i just go out and have a good time like i used to? x

11-10-10, 14:55
You have my sympathy because I have the same problem - often when I have to go anywhere lately I find myself judging how far from the nearest A&E I will be. I take my children on walks in the countryside with my husband but I'm usually wondering how the ambulance will reach us rather enjoying myself :(

I have found MoodGYM the free online cbt programme quite helpful in getting my thoughts in order and being a bit more realistic but I'm still avoiding going out unless I really have to. I have a family wedding on Friday and I've already checked the nearest hospital and the route there but I'm still so frightened to go. Hopefully it is something we can all work through and learn to over-come or deal with in our own time.