View Full Version : Why when I'm on a up do people knock me down!

10-10-10, 17:20
Does anyone else experience, my life is hell when I'm happy people knock me down, I'm starting to think I'm not allowed any happiness, I'm nearly 28 years old and have nothing, everyone hurts me and destroys my confidence. Where do I go to get some happiness. Sorry to feel sorry for myself but I've had enough of living a controlled sad life. Rant over sorry everyone x

10-10-10, 18:14
oh bless - your allowed to rant, other people can drain you emotionally are are possibly completely oblivious to the pain they are causing.

You are allowed happiness and you can find it. Life is for living so do what makes YOU happy (within reason of course - lol).

These peope are probably very unhappy in their lives and want everyone else to be - Im not trying to justify their actions just sometimes things aren't what they seem.

Concentrate on you and enjoy being happyx

10-10-10, 18:15
Hi H26,

Don’t be sorry – we’re all entitled to a good rant :winks:

Yes, life does feel like that at times – well most of the time – but perhaps we’re looking to find happiness in the wrong places. A good friend of mine at one time had as her signature:
“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, but it’s impossible to find it elsewhere.”
She was a very wise person :)

When a person can find true happiness in themselves, nothing and nobody can take that away.

Take care :hugs:

10-10-10, 18:20
I really do know what you mean, its so hard when you feel that the whole worlds against you but i always try to remember what my therapist says when i say people are hurting me. She says that they can only hurt you and make you feel a certain way if you allow them to.
Nobody is really shattering your confidence, only you, by allowing yourself to think that they are.
Its true really if you think about it but its so hard to look at it that way sometimes.
When you lack self esteem you tend to need people to boost your confidence and the smallest thing can bring you down again.
You maybe need to take control yourself, easier said than done but i am getting better at it.

10-10-10, 18:59
I feel worn out now from crying. Thanks for the support tho and messages x

10-10-10, 19:31
:hugs:just to say 'I care'.

10-10-10, 19:31
oh hun thats horrid - you have support and true friends on here, we understand and carex

10-10-10, 19:33
I really do know what you mean, its so hard when you feel that the whole worlds against you but i always try to remember what my therapist says when i say people are hurting me. She says that they can only hurt you and make you feel a certain way if you allow them to.
Nobody is really shattering your confidence, only you, by allowing yourself to think that they are.
Its true really if you think about it but its so hard to look at it that way sometimes.
When you lack self esteem you tend to need people to boost your confidence and the smallest thing can bring you down again.

Wise words baileys. Very helpful. Thank you. :)

11-10-10, 19:38
im all insecure again thinking people just laughing at me :( x

11-10-10, 19:58
Wise words baileys. Very helpful. Thank you. :)

Thanks jada, thought it sounded a bit harsh after i read it back but it helps me alot to remember what she told me.

paula lynne
11-10-10, 21:35
Im sorry Hayley you feel so down at the moment...just wanted to give you a virtual hug hunny...:bighug1:

11-10-10, 21:41
Hi, I am 27 and although I dont think age is at all important I thought it may reassure u to know there are over people around the same age going through similar things perhaps. I dont know about your history or anything but personally through a reocurrance of anxiety and depression I too feel like everyone else is getting on with their lives and I in turn have very little in means of comparison.

I think one of the biggest issues with these types of 'conditions' is the overwhelming urge to compare yourself, but I guess its hard to break this habit, especially when the media (facebook etc)portrays this as the happiest years of your life. Sorry im not much help just wanted to reassure u their ARE other people walking along similar paths to u. :-)