View Full Version : Jealousy and Anger

10-10-10, 18:54
Anyone else get this?

I stopped seeing friend because everytime I do it just reminds me of how well they are all doing, good jobs etc and then where I am.

10-10-10, 19:20
Yep...all down to my inferiority complex i think :unsure:

10-10-10, 19:28
Its tough isn't it when we are suffering and others are having the time of their lives.
But who knows what life will throw at them in the future-not many people go through life without any big problems.

If this friend is still happy to be your friend and is kind and supportive to you hang on to them - my experience is people don't understand anxiety and can't be bothered to be supportive.

Don't forget anxiety and depression are illness's so try not to beat urself upx

10-10-10, 19:33
Thanks for the replies, its not just one friend though - its all of them. They are all moving far ahead in their lives with good jobs etc.

10-10-10, 20:32
Hi, I know what you mean really. If my friends struggle, they don't admit it. I feel bad every time I go on Facebook. It's difficult because while you shouldn't let your old friends drift, when people don't have these kind of problems themselves, they struggle to understand. Hearing about how well they are doing just makes you feel worse about yourself. Is there any way that you can meet up with some other anxious/depressed people in your area? I am involved in a project where I have met other local people with depression and it has really helped me to not be so isolated any more. There are a number of charities that may have groups or whatever that you can join, or you can try to meet people through forums like this.

Also, remember that people are conditioned to show their 'best side' and that many people are afraid to admit weakness so they pretend things are fine. People can develop mental health problems regardless of their age, class, employment situation.

10-10-10, 20:41
Hi uk23,

I know what you mean; when everyone else appears to be doing so well and we’re struggling. I was like that after being made redundant. Ex Workmate would phone now and again and the conversation was mostly about how well he was doing. I didn’t want to hear it when I was struggling, and I even more so didn’t want to keep telling him about all the things I wasn’t doing.

In the end I left the phone unplugged. Nobody ever called me anyway except him and sales calls, and my family had my mobile number. That was 4 years ago... think he’s got the message!!?

Take care,

10-10-10, 21:43
I just feel like 'thats my life'. My mental anxiety stems from physical stuff. I just...dk anymore

12-10-10, 00:19
I'm really struggling with this right now.... :(

The closest friend I've ever had... I've had to move away for a work placement and he's still at uni. When I was there it was me and him. Now I've left I'm on my own and he has a lot of new friends he hangs around with all the time, we hardly have time to talk and when we do we argue.

I'm jealous of him and get frustrated that he wasn't who he is now with me. He knew these friends of his but always chose to be with me... like me he didn't like going out. Now he's never in. He tells me he's been out playing pool at the pub or watching films with them or just chilling out at his flat... He's going to see a band I really like as well as his new friends invited him.

I try so hard to be happy and not get jealous but I cant help it... I feel so angry and hurt because when I think about what it's like for me.... Well... :(