View Full Version : disorginized thinking

10-10-10, 20:06
Lately ive been real concernd..Ive been geting a strange thinking pattern..ive had it for a while now...about 2 months...It all started when i began Obsessing over beauty..because i found coming it hard comeing to terms about being unatractive.I found myself thinking deeper into simple everyday things Example "I cant belive us humans created something so complicated as cars". Its so strange..Now im starting to find my thoughts just come as they please these "Deep thinking thoughts" im scared its Schizophrenia..I dont get it all the time though.Could it be stress related? My health anx is pretty high at the moment and ive even developed a tick..on the acount of testing for stroke activity by jerking my right arm..and checking my right side and lifting it.And theres alot of other things on my mind aswell.What could this be?

10-10-10, 21:22
I have this too - I was walking down the road one day and suddenly thought what if there was no gravity suddenly, and we all floated up into the sky? And then of course that led to me thinking about how we are all like balancing on this massive ball that's just floating in mid air - and of course I made myself very dizzy and panicky indeed!! Get all sorts of weird thoughts - my mum says its just thinking too deeply/analysisy and it's like a pattern you get yourself into.

I've had "tics" too - one summer I kept holding my left eye shut cos it made me feel safe in an odd way. And when I get really anxious on my own I have a habit of nipping my legs/arms to check they're not numb!! It's all anxiety, honestly - one of the biggest fears with anxiety is that you're going mad but I really don't think you are! And they always say that crazy people don't know they're crazy, they lack insight, so I really dont think you need to worry! :hugs:

11-10-10, 01:55
Wow thanks....You shun a bit of light onto the subject!