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08-03-06, 15:40
hi my name is nic and i have suffered from panic and aniexty for nearly four years.....i can remember what my life was like before this nasty panic came along........i went to austrailia by myself, could drive anywhere , go anywhere and do anything.........so i always ask myself "why me" at the time it all started i was in a relationship which i didnt want to be in, a job where by boss had it in for me and was drinking on a regular basis.........i was not happy! at first i didnt feel myself......then felt sudden panic whilst driving down a hill.....from then on it went downhill.......i was signed off work, then had to leave because i really was not myself....i mean i felt i was out of my body....could not sleep for months.....felt like i could quite easily hurt someone or myself.......having no control is very scary........currently on paroxitene work part time in a small shop......things are much better....still places i cant go........on main roads to my local supermarket..........but life goes on..........i believe how you felt before will come back to you and i do belive in miracle cures.........thanks for reading its great to get it off my chest. nic x x x

08-03-06, 15:43
hi welcome to the site we ar all in the same boat.you will get loads of advice and support here.take care marcia xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

Ma Larkin
08-03-06, 15:50
Hi Nic, welcome to the site. I'm with you on this & I sure hope there is a miracle cure!!

Enjoy the site & take reassurance from it that you are not the only one who suffers.
