View Full Version : Is Acid Reflux and Anxiety Linked?

10-10-10, 20:34
Basically on Thursday night I think I ran out of my Omeprazole for my acid reflux and hence will have to wait till tomorrow (Monday) to pick up my prescription.

Now since it ran out, I've been worrying about it and paying over attention to it. And the acid reflux has been horrible. A point raised to myself that the worrying about it and the over analysing actually made it worse, especially as anxiety can cause more stomach acid to be produced...

Could this be the case ?

10-10-10, 20:45
Yea definatley, I never used to get heart burn or acid reflux or anythin like that til I got really bad anxiety about 7 months ago now I can't seem to get rid of it! ;( x

10-10-10, 20:46
Can i just ask what the symptoms are of acid reflux? Im not sure if my chest pains are to do with this. I get palps too tho so probably not..

10-10-10, 20:48
Yea definatley, I never used to get heart burn or acid reflux or anythin like that til I got really bad anxiety about 7 months ago now I can't seem to get rid of it! ;( x

I'm pretty much in the exact same boat - had never heard of acid reflux until I started to suffer from anxiety, and I'm now the exact same :weep:.. xx

10-10-10, 20:49
CrazyHayz, I get bad palps and chest pain too bbe. The chest pain I get with acid reflux I know it's deffo acid reflux cuz for me it's all burny right inside it across the whole chest. Might feel different for different people though. It's the chest pain that I can't understand that scares me silly! ;( x

10-10-10, 20:56
I think there is a link.

I too have to take constant pills for my acid reflux and this all starting along with my panic attacks.
Sip lots of water untill your tablets are back in your system, it really helps xxx

11-10-10, 09:23
Going to see the doctor regarding these issues this week.

11-10-10, 10:38
I got Gastritis and duodenitis from anxiety, but I think your symptoms are withdrawal from omeprazole. Check out rebound reflux over the internet, everybody gets it when quitting/stopping PPIs. I'm on esomeprazole (Nexium), been so for 2 years now, tried to quit several times, but the rebound acid had me going to drug stores at 3 am, just to get a good night's sleep. Doctors admit this problem exists but they mostly say that taking it for a long while is no problem (which I kind of doubt it but what am I to do). I recently went to my gastro doctor and i'm now trying to switch between PPIs, just to vary the substances I get into my body...

11-10-10, 15:37
I had acid reflux and when my anxiety went my acid reflux went also

11-10-10, 23:47
I got Gastritis and duodenitis from anxiety, but I think your symptoms are withdrawal from omeprazole. Check out rebound reflux over the internet, everybody gets it when quitting/stopping PPIs. I'm on esomeprazole (Nexium), been so for 2 years now, tried to quit several times, but the rebound acid had me going to drug stores at 3 am, just to get a good night's sleep. Doctors admit this problem exists but they mostly say that taking it for a long while is no problem (which I kind of doubt it but what am I to do). I recently went to my gastro doctor and i'm now trying to switch between PPIs, just to vary the substances I get into my body...

Thanks for your reply, this definitely seems like it was what caused it, it also aggravated asthma like symptoms very badly, I also suffered from some major coughing fits and sore throats while also spitting up yellowy phlegm, all classic asthma aggravations which I hadn't suffered from in years...

I will be going to see the doctor regarding this and more more information/light can be shed on the situation.

13-10-10, 14:11
hi everything i eat causes me to get acid reflux it feels like im havin a heat attack and i feel like ive got phelm stook in my throat all the time. ive suffered from pannic attacks and depression for the last 6 years can anybody help? xx