View Full Version : Advice needed for Doctor's Appointment

10-10-10, 20:58
Right, I'm seeing my GP again on Tuesday, I will find out what the Abnormality is with my Blood Test but i am more concerned about some of my symptoms at the moment.

I don't know whether to be really honest and upfront about MND/PBP (Motor Neurone Disease/Progressive Bulbar Palsy.) It's a rare disease that affects 5,000 people in the UK and 5% of cases are people under the age of 30, I am worried about it still but what will the doctor think if i were to mention it?

I feel stupid handing over a piece of paper with my symptoms like i have done at 2 previous visits but that way i won't forgot to mention anything i just feel silly doing it.

I have already written a list of my symptoms which say:-

Chewing seems to be more difficult.

Swallowing feels like it is getting harder.

Tongue feels odd/numb.

Lips twitch occasionally, Tongue has been tingling.

Tremors in the hands.

Getting more pain in the mouth and throat.

Pressure/ache in the face/cheekbones/jaws feels worse recently and hurts more when eating.

Still have the neck pain and stiffness.

Still feeling dizzy and light-headed.

Arms and legs are starting to feel weaker.

Pains in the knees, elbows, arms and legs.

Twitching in the tongue, face, arms, legs, neck.

Tingling in the mouth, face, arms, hands, feet.

Pressure in the ears.

10-10-10, 21:19
If you are not honest with your doctor then you will be no further forward.
Tell your GP what you fear and hopefully he/she will be able to either investigate or put your mind at rest.


10-10-10, 21:44
If you are not honest with your doctor then you will be no further forward.
Tell your GP what you fear and hopefully he/she will be able to either investigate or put your mind at rest.


Thanks Lisa and yes you are right, I just hope they don't suspect anything like that is wrong with me as some of my symptoms have got worse but i will be honest with them and see what they say.

10-10-10, 21:48
Why dont you print out your post Eggy and read it to the Dr ? or you could just let him read it ? That way you wont forget anything :D..Sue

10-10-10, 22:15
yeah tell them everything i would and also see what the blood tests says, take it from there x

10-10-10, 22:38
One time I wrote a list that was 2 pages long!
Doctor didn't know where to start haha.
They asked me what my WORST symptoms worse and the start there.
Just tell them EVERYTHING or you'll come home thinking "Wish I said this/that"

11-10-10, 14:20
Hi Eggy,

“I don't know whether to be really honest and upfront about MND/PBP (Motor Neurone Disease/Progressive Bulbar Palsy.)”

The thing is, if your doctor doesn’t know what you’re worried about, how can he reassure you that you don’t have it?

Actually, reading between the lines there is another reassurance in that line. I don’t know why but the human body seems to have an instinctive need for survival and will do all that it can to ensure that. It seems to ‘know’ far more than you or I. When a person is truly ill they often find themselves being compelled to do the right thing for survival. It’s almost as if deep down there’s a part of you that already knows there isn’t a problem, hence the uncertainty.

As well as your l-o-n-g list :winks:, what about reading through some of your posts here and printing out a few parts of them to take along too? Your doctor probably doesn’t realise quite how anxious you are about this, and that would put the symptoms more in context, I think.

Best of luck for tomorrow :)

11-10-10, 14:34
Most of your list is covered in 'symptoms' left of this page.

11-10-10, 14:38
Eggy, people with progressive bulbar palsy usually have problems with their speech, and being unable to say certain letters of the alphabet correctly, I know this because my sister had MND and bulbar palsy, and this problem is one of the defining features of the disease. You mentioned many symptoms but not that one. Talk to the doctor and be totally honest with him, all the best.

paula lynne
11-10-10, 14:43
Hiya Eggy...lets get the results of your abnormal blood test..and go from there. Dont feel stupid giving the doctor a list, I know lots of people who do it, and Im one of them (memory like a sieve) x Let us know your results ok x:wacko:

11-10-10, 17:58
Hi Eggy,

“I don't know whether to be really honest and upfront about MND/PBP (Motor Neurone Disease/Progressive Bulbar Palsy.)”

The thing is, if your doctor doesn’t know what you’re worried about, how can he reassure you that you don’t have it?

Actually, reading between the lines there is another reassurance in that line. I don’t know why but the human body seems to have an instinctive need for survival and will do all that it can to ensure that. It seems to ‘know’ far more than you or I. When a person is truly ill they often find themselves being compelled to do the right thing for survival. It’s almost as if deep down there’s a part of you that already knows there isn’t a problem, hence the uncertainty.

As well as your l-o-n-g list :winks:, what about reading through some of your posts here and printing out a few parts of them to take along too? Your doctor probably doesn’t realise quite how anxious you are about this, and that would put the symptoms more in context, I think.

Best of luck for tomorrow :)

Thank you Nigel,

I do think there is a problem, I just hope it's nowhere near as bad as Progressive Bulbar Palsy/MND.

I will definitely be mentioning it to my doctor tomorrow.

I do know that MND generally occurs in people over 40 and usually people between 50 and 70 but i have read stories of people in their early 20's, late 20's and early 30's having it.

Then again as i said before the UK has a population of 62 million and 5,000 people suffer from MND at any one time and around 5% of those people are under 30 years old so that means that 500 people in UK under 30 suffer from MND.

I know stats mean nothing and i could still have it or develop it, All i hope is that i don't have it, I'm trying not to think about it and trying to get it out of my head but right now it seems too difficult.

11-10-10, 18:20
Hi Eggy,

“I will definitely be mentioning it to my doctor tomorrow.”

That’s good, and do also tell him – or print out something he can read – about why you’re worried, because it puts the whole thing in better context.

Those stats are pretty encouraging though, don’t you think? I mean, there’s probably a better chance of winning the lottery, and I bet you’re not putting your entire life on hold in the hope of that :winks:

Good luck tomorrow :)

11-10-10, 20:54
Hi Eggy,

“I will definitely be mentioning it to my doctor tomorrow.”

That’s good, and do also tell him – or print out something he can read – about why you’re worried, because it puts the whole thing in better context.

Those stats are pretty encouraging though, don’t you think? I mean, there’s probably a better chance of winning the lottery, and I bet you’re not putting your entire life on hold in the hope of that :winks:

Good luck tomorrow :)

So i should tell them why i am worried as well?

Regarding the stats i think it's right, I read on the MND Association website that 5,000 people are affected by MND at any one time.

Apparently the PBP form of MND accounts for 20% of all cases as i said above apparently 5% out of 5,000 people diagnosed are under 30 so 500 people as above and probably around 100 people under 30 get diagnosed with PBP each year if the stats and calculations are right.

2 people per 100,000 are diagnosed every year (i hope i'm not going to be one of those.) I read somewhere that the chances of getting MND are 0.002% is that right? That calculation seems very low indeed.

I've done way too much reading on Google and on other websites, But yeah it must be an extremely rare disease if 5,000 people suffer from it out of 62 million it's a dreadful disease and i wouldn't wish it on anyone and sincerely hope i haven't got it and hope i never get it.

By the way I never think about winning the lottery, I don't really play it :D but even if i did i would never expect to win it. :ohmy:

12-10-10, 00:51
“So i should tell them why i am worried as well?”

If your doctor understands why exactly you’re so worried about these symptoms, he will (hopefully!) do more to reassure you than he probably would to most people who don’t suffer with health anxiety.

“By the way I never think about winning the lottery, I don't really play it but even if i did i would never expect to win it.”

Exactly :yesyes:
And the odds of having such a rare disease are similarly huge, so similarly DON’T expect to have it!

Q.E.D. :winks:

12-10-10, 01:44

Good luck at your doctor's appointment.

I've read most of your posts, and I can sense just how anxious you are.

As the other members have stated, ensure you tell your GP everything that is concerning you, regarding past, and current health problems. Be completely candid, because only then will you get the help and support you deserve.

Your doctor is aware to a degree of your concerns, but he/she has no concept as to how all this is crippling your life...so be brave, and we will be waiting to hear how everything goes.

Take care,

Sue x

12-10-10, 16:49

Good luck at your doctor's appointment.

I've read most of your posts, and I can sense just how anxious you are.

As the other members have stated, ensure you tell your GP everything that is concerning you, regarding past, and current health problems. Be completely candid, because only then will you get the help and support you deserve.

Your doctor is aware to a degree of your concerns, but he/she has no concept as to how all this is crippling your life...so be brave, and we will be waiting to hear how everything goes.

Take care,

Sue x

Thanks Sue,

Well i wrote a list out with all my symptoms on and gave it to the doctor and they had a good look at it but they asked me what they thought was wrong with me and i starting talking about Motor Neurone Disease and we talked about that mainly and they done a few muscle tests on me and watched my tongue for quite a long period to see if it was doing anything.

They never said anything about my horrible dizziness and problems with aches/pressure in my face/cheekbone/jaws etc.

12-10-10, 17:26
Ok so they don't think you have MND then?

12-10-10, 17:31
Ok so they don't think you have MND then?

Well, They said it's unlikely, They done some weird tests on me with regards to my feet, arms, legs, face etc and testing my muscles and using a rubber hammer and then looked at my tongue resting to see what it was doing and it couldn't have been twitching like mad otherwise she would have seen it, They made me swallow infront of them and asked what it felt like i said it was like something was in my throat.

They said they could refer me to a Neurologist at some point depending on what happens but obviously they never insisted i needed to see one.

They have never seen Motor Neurone Disease before, My GP looked up on the net about it and it said that a GP would only ever see 1 or 2 cases of MND in their whole career which according to my doctor is 30+ years.

I have really been suffering today with massive face ache/cheekbone ache and pain/pressure and it's annoying me more and more, The only frustrating thing about the doctor's today was the fact they never looked into my other symptoms that i have been worried about.

12-10-10, 17:35
You probably should have asked them specifically about that as well.

It still sounds like tension to me though.

12-10-10, 17:40
You probably should have asked them specifically about that as well.

It still sounds like tension to me though.

I don't think they had the time for everything, They were already behind schedule and i was in there longer than the 10 minutes you are supposed to have.

12-10-10, 17:44
Also Nic,

It's more like pressure/a really bad ache.

I laid down earlier for an hour and when i woke up my face felt like it was hanging off or like someone was pushing down on my cheekbones it has calmed down slightly now after taking paracetamol and some sudafed.

I don't know if it's TMJ? (The dentist said i didn't have that when i saw them recently after complaining about this problem to them.) or something else? It worries me as it's a new thing for me but i have had it a good 3 weeks or so now.

12-10-10, 17:55
It could be related to the ear wax that you have. You can get some over the counter stuff for that that may help.

14-10-10, 13:31
Is there any way to get an urgent referral to see a Neurologist?

14-10-10, 14:50
If i wasn't so poor i would go to see a private Neurologist right now so i know if i have any Neurological problems wrong with me.

paula lynne
14-10-10, 15:15
Hi Eggy, your gp would refer you to a neurologist if he/she had concerns x
Neuro is my speciality as a nurse (or was), and reading over many previous posts, it seems your problem is highly unlikely to have a neurological basis.
It may be worthwhile taking out private health insurance, where you pay weekly, and covers you straight away. That way, as soon as your policy is active, you can ask for a neurological exam to put your mind at rest.


14-10-10, 16:03
Hi Eggy, your gp would refer you to a neurologist if he/she had concerns x
Neuro is my speciality as a nurse (or was), and reading over many previous posts, it seems your problem is highly unlikely to have a neurological basis.
It may be worthwhile taking out private health insurance, where you pay weekly, and covers you straight away. That way, as soon as your policy is active, you can ask for a neurological exam to put your mind at rest.


Thanks Paula, I want Neurological testing, MRI, Nerve Conduction Test, EMG the usual kind of stuff just to see if anything is wrong, I'm still worried about you know what :( But that's why i want it done.

Can i really get one done straight away then if i take out private health insurance? Thing is i am unemployed and get very little money but it's something i desperately need doing.

14-10-10, 16:40
I have just got a quote from Aviva for a Speedy Diagnosis Health Insurance Plan, It just covers appointments at a private hospital and Diagnostic Tests such as ECG's, X-Rays, EMG's, Scan's etc and it's £15 per month.

paula lynne
14-10-10, 16:56
Well that sounds reasonable to me, and will save you waiting 6-8 monthes through your gp...although Im sure if you gp thought youd needed one, you would have been referred ages ago.

Have you had your clare weekes book yet? :)

14-10-10, 17:03
Well that sounds reasonable to me, and will save you waiting 6-8 monthes through your gp...although Im sure if you gp thought youd needed one, you would have been referred ages ago.

Have you had your clare weekes book yet? :)

I could get an appointment within 2-3 weeks maybe less, It doesn't cover treatment just consultations and diagnosis.

My GP isn't clued up on things like MND, She had to look it up on the computer so i'm still a bit worried and wary, A full Neuro exam with a few tests would obviously put it to bed for good should they be clear.

My GP is considering referring me but keeping on dithering isn't doing me any good.

No i haven't got my book yet :(

paula lynne
14-10-10, 17:18
Thats sounds great, and as you say, you can then put it to bed for good! :D

14-10-10, 18:36
Have you read all the small print on this insurance policy. I can't see them letting you pay £15 and you get all the tests done you want and then cancel it for eg?

Also the GP still has to refer you I believe.

14-10-10, 19:32
Have you read all the small print on this insurance policy. I can't see them letting you pay £15 and you get all the tests done you want and then cancel it for eg?

Also the GP still has to refer you I believe.

Have a read of this Nic, What do you think? <link removed>

Yes you do still need a GP referral but i would demand one.

14-10-10, 19:44
Good Lord Egginton - you really are going down the wrong path here. I had far more serious symptoms than you and even I didn't have some of tests you've already had - let alone EMGs etc.

Do you know that these are all invasive tests? EMGs can cause muscle damage and pain. MRIs expose you to unnecessary radiation... All to satisfy your continuing health anxiety.

It is your choice but in my opinion you are putting yourself at risk to a whole battery of useless tests that will only offer temporary relief from this nightmare.

Nigel posted a very good link on your other thread which has been ignored :lac:

Come on Eggy mate.

14-10-10, 23:50
Hi Melancholia, I'd say you're wasting your breath :( I think the eggmeister only wants reassurance that he's truly ill :( That I believe would be "easier" for him to deal with...

15-10-10, 09:10
Good Lord Egginton - you really are going down the wrong path here. I had far more serious symptoms than you and even I didn't have some of tests you've already had - let alone EMGs etc.

Do you know that these are all invasive tests? EMGs can cause muscle damage and pain. MRIs expose you to unnecessary radiation... All to satisfy your continuing health anxiety.

It is your choice but in my opinion you are putting yourself at risk to a whole battery of useless tests that will only offer temporary relief from this nightmare.

Nigel posted a very good link on your other thread which has been ignored :lac:

Come on Eggy mate.

I've largely kept off this thread in case I come across as unsympathetic, but I agree with all of this.

The big, big problem with HA is that when you get told that you don't have one disease, you simply move on to another one. I know, as I've been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and eaten the pie (as it were).

A little tale for you:

When I was a student, I developed a terror of having a brain tumour, which had been triggered by my mother having a brain haemorrhage when I was 21.

I suddenly got loads of symptoms - dizziness, feelings of unreality, blinding headaches, numb patches on my face, sleep paralysis and many more. I was utterly convinced I had a brain tumour and nothing would put me off this. The symptoms got worse until they were all pervading - I started getting panic attacks in public places. My doctor did neurological tests and said there was absolutely no way I had a brain tumour.

So, I moved on to MS. I knew about MS as my dad had it, and knew I had an above average chance of getting it. So, the numb patches got worse, I had muscle spasms, limb weaknesses, blurred vision etc etc. But I didn't have MS and was OK for a little while until I got swollen glands, which of course meant I had leukaemia. The blood tests were fine - but they hadn't tested me for HIV and I then obsessed about this. And there was more....

It all went on and on and on - for the best part of seven years, during which time my quality of life was dreadful as I was always convinced I was dying of.... something or other.

The point is Eggy, a lot of us on here know what you're going through, but the thing you cannot do is FEED THIS - which is just what you're doing. You don't want to listen to anything else other than someone "proving you right" by saying you have MND.

So, I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, but you've just got to get a grip and get some help for the HA. You do have a "disease" - but it's HA and you have to come to terms with that.

paula lynne
15-10-10, 11:04
A great post blueangel, hopefully will ring some bells with Eggy...I do hope youre much better yourself too. x:)

15-10-10, 12:13
Eggy - you need to read the insurance terms and conditions very carefully. They will not cover you for any condition that you have had in the last 5 years before your start of cover. And by this they mean they will not cover you if you have had any of the following: symptoms, medication, diagnostics, advice, or treatment. As you have sought advice from your doctor for symptoms, I strongly suspect they will not pay out.

I doubt you will find any health insurance that will pay out for existing symptoms, otherwise everyone would be paying £15 for a couple of months to get their tests done quickly, rather than wait on the NHS.

15-10-10, 16:11
Hi Melancholia, I'd say you're wasting your breath :( I think the eggmeister only wants reassurance that he's truly ill :( That I believe would be "easier" for him to deal with...

Well, Mel is very determined and doesn't concede easily but we'll wait and see what the Eggmeister has to say...

I won't be holding my breath, however.

paula lynne
15-10-10, 16:34
Still holding mine Mel.................x:yesyes:

15-10-10, 16:39
Hope we don't turn blue :frown:

15-10-10, 16:39
Hi Melancholia, I'd say you're wasting your breath :( I think the eggmeister only wants reassurance that he's truly ill :( That I believe would be "easier" for him to deal with...

Oh go away Kibbutz! Your posts make me feel even worse.

I do truly believe that there is something going on and that there is something wrong with me but i WOULD NOT want to be told that i have a terminal disease like Motor Neurone Disease, I would rather die right now than have something like that and i really do mean that.

15-10-10, 16:46
Good Lord Egginton - you really are going down the wrong path here. I had far more serious symptoms than you and even I didn't have some of tests you've already had - let alone EMGs etc.

Do you know that these are all invasive tests? EMGs can cause muscle damage and pain. MRIs expose you to unnecessary radiation... All to satisfy your continuing health anxiety.

It is your choice but in my opinion you are putting yourself at risk to a whole battery of useless tests that will only offer temporary relief from this nightmare.

Nigel posted a very good link on your other thread which has been ignored :lac:

Come on Eggy mate.

Hi Melancholia,

Why do you think i am going down the wrong path? Everyday i feel worse, Like today, I had my ears syringed yet there's still loads of pressure in my cheekbones and ears and pain in my face, It feels uncomfortable to talk and to chew and swallow, I feel like my jaws and tongue and mouth and throat muscles are wasting away.

I am in alot of pain, My mouth and throat hurts more and more and even painkillers don't get rid of it properly.

Wouldn't it better to put my mind at rest and have MRI's, EMG's done?

How do you know the tests will be useless?

I never ignored Nigel's link, It was interesting and i read all of it, I know i never replied to him but that doesn't mean it was ignored.

15-10-10, 16:51
Oh go away Kibbutz! Your posts make me feel even worse.

I do truly believe that there is something going on and that there is something wrong with me but i WOULD NOT want to be told that i have a terminal disease like Motor Neurone Disease, I would rather die right now than have something like that and i really do mean that.

Perhaps there is something else going on -- I don't discount that as possible. But a serious illness like MND etc? No. Doctors did a whole load of tests on me cos I had persistent pain and concluded that it was a "pain syndrome" and chronic fatigue.

You have worn yourself down mate and you need to build your strength up again and get out of this awful vicious-cycle of worrying.

Acceptance is the first and last step.

15-10-10, 16:58
Hi Melancholia,

Why do you think i am going down the wrong path? Everyday i feel worse, Like today, I had my ears syringed yet there's still loads of pressure in my cheekbones and ears and pain in my face, It feels uncomfortable to talk and to chew and swallow, I feel like my jaws and tongue and mouth and throat muscles are wasting away.

I am in alot of pain, My mouth and throat hurts more and more and even painkillers don't get rid of it properly.

Wouldn't it better to put my mind at rest and have MRI's, EMG's done?

How do you know the tests will be useless?

I never ignored Nigel's link, It was interesting and i read all of it, I know i never replied to him but that doesn't mean it was ignored.

Because these tests are just a snap-shot of THAT particular moment. So what happens in 3,4,5 months down the line? You'll want to have them done again to make sure nothing has changed. Also as I said, these tests are invasive.

Please read my above post and Nigel's link again. You need help for your anxiety - not expensive, invasive and sometimes inconclusive tests.

Anyway, we're going round in circles (as usual).

15-10-10, 17:38
Hi Eggy,

I’m pleased that you read that link :)
It is interesting, isn’t it? I think he has a very novel way of looking at the problem.

I think Melancholia was suggesting that you may be ‘going down the wrong path’ for exactly the reasons he mentioned in the article. How the person was reassured by her test results, then the doubts slowly crept back in. What if they missed something? What if they mixed up the results? What if...? Then eventually when there can be no more doubts, and new illness unwittingly creeps into their subconscious mind without them realising, and the whole cycle is off again.

I liked the idea about not trying to dismiss the thoughts but to diminish the ‘feelings’ that accompany them. Think about it for a moment... all the thoughts that hold any importance to you – not just health related ones – are accompanied by feelings and emotions of some kind. No feelings and emotions = no real importance, and those things are often forgotten.

Perhaps you could try his little exercise – the one about drawing your thoughts on a board and looking at them like that – in a detached way – instead of actually living and feeling them. Or another way is to imagine watching a little movie of the thoughts on a movie screen or a TV. The important things is to ‘observe’ the events from the comfort of your chair, NOT to actually experience them.

It’s a bit like watching a horror movie – it’s scary, but in a totally different way to if you were actually living the scene for real :eek:

Take care,

15-10-10, 17:39
Because these tests are just a snap-shot of THAT particular moment. So what happens in 3,4,5 months down the line? You'll want to have them done again to make sure nothing has changed. Also as I said, these tests are invasive.

Please read my above post and Nigel's link again. You need help for your anxiety - not expensive, invasive and sometimes inconclusive tests.

Anyway, we're going round in circles (as usual).

I know what your saying and i can see what you mean, BUT i would know one way or the other if i had something neurological wrong with me and if it showed i didn't then i would know for certain.

I don't believe that anxiety causes problems with chewing and eating or bd pain in the mouth, face or throat.

15-10-10, 19:58
You listen to no-one on here... we have consistently been telling you that we who suffer from HA have ALL the same symptoms as you :0
You are so wrapped up in yourself that you only seem to "use" people on here for your own ends..... what about us on here who are also suffering hideous, life-altering misery?

15-10-10, 20:52
Eggy hasnt been rude or nasty to anyone .Apart from not replying to everyone who posts .If the subject and the posts are getting you angry and frustrated .Its better for you own well being to avoid them .Its not necessary to be rude and doesnt get you anywhere in the long run ..It just causes others to get upset and its pointless ....Sue

15-10-10, 21:10
You listen to no-one on here... we have consistently been telling you that we who suffer from HA have ALL the same symptoms as you :0
You are so wrapped up in yourself that you only seem to "use" people on here for your own ends..... what about us on here who are also suffering hideous, life-altering misery?

As stated your posts make me feel worse, Whenever you contribute all you do is come across badly and aggressively, As i said before i don't think you should reply to my threads.

This isn't the first time you have been very rude to me, You were warned about it before by an Admin on here.

paula lynne
16-10-10, 11:48
Hi Eggy
You say that you dont believe that anxiety can cause problems with chewing, swallowing, eating and drinking?
I will strongly disagree with you on this one, its a VERY COMMON symptom of anxiety, and Im sure lots of people here have suffered with it, myself included.
I hope your claire weekes book arrives soon, and you will take it onboard. Shes been a life-saver for many people.:wacko:

16-10-10, 12:56
i replied to your tmj thread stating that tension/anxiety/stress can cause pain in the face/head/jaw region and anxiety can most definitely make you feel as if you cannot swallow properly because i suffered with all of these symptoms for around 3 yrs in total and so you do seem to be very fixated on the fact that you do have a physcial illness and not taking replies into account.

yes - people do get horrible diseases - even anxiety sufferers but now that you have been suffering with these symptoms for many weeks and the doctors cannot find anything partiularly wrong - i would be surprised it if turned out to be anything other than stress/anxiety. if you had neurological problems they would have picked that up straight away wih your reflex test.

i had an over active thyroid last year which initially i thought was the return of my anxiety - i put up with it for weeks but then i started throwing up and the symptom pattern changed and i knew it had to be more physical and blood tests picked up it. your blood test abnormality (which will not be life threatening otherwise they would have had you in straight away) may reveal something such as anemia etc that may be contributing to your symptoms.

if you had something terrible then other symptoms would be apparent by now i am sure.

i know how difficult it can be to accept that anxiety can cause your body to go haywire because the symptoms feel so REAL. however - when i was really worried about headaches (and i had them so bad i could not get off the sofa for weeks at a time) my gp said - focus your attention on your feet - do they not start to feel funny when you put all your attention on them and he was right! the more you focus and worry about a symptom - the more intense it feels.

a friend of mine - her dad has mnd and his started with just numbness and tingling in his arm - no other symptoms and he was referred and diagnosed and so the basic tests he had done at the gp's must have shown something.

did these symptoms come on overnight? were you basically a happy stress free person beforehand? when i look back - i realise that i was getting more and more stressed and uptight before my symptoms began - it was a gradual process and so if you look back and you realise that yes - you felt stressed/were under stress - then this is another sign that is pointing to it all being anxiety x

16-10-10, 18:12
i replied to your tmj thread stating that tension/anxiety/stress can cause pain in the face/head/jaw region and anxiety can most definitely make you feel as if you cannot swallow properly because i suffered with all of these symptoms for around 3 yrs in total and so you do seem to be very fixated on the fact that you do have a physcial illness and not taking replies into account.

yes - people do get horrible diseases - even anxiety sufferers but now that you have been suffering with these symptoms for many weeks and the doctors cannot find anything partiularly wrong - i would be surprised it if turned out to be anything other than stress/anxiety. if you had neurological problems they would have picked that up straight away wih your reflex test.

i had an over active thyroid last year which initially i thought was the return of my anxiety - i put up with it for weeks but then i started throwing up and the symptom pattern changed and i knew it had to be more physical and blood tests picked up it. your blood test abnormality (which will not be life threatening otherwise they would have had you in straight away) may reveal something such as anemia etc that may be contributing to your symptoms.

if you had something terrible then other symptoms would be apparent by now i am sure.

i know how difficult it can be to accept that anxiety can cause your body to go haywire because the symptoms feel so REAL. however - when i was really worried about headaches (and i had them so bad i could not get off the sofa for weeks at a time) my gp said - focus your attention on your feet - do they not start to feel funny when you put all your attention on them and he was right! the more you focus and worry about a symptom - the more intense it feels.

a friend of mine - her dad has mnd and his started with just numbness and tingling in his arm - no other symptoms and he was referred and diagnosed and so the basic tests he had done at the gp's must have shown something.

did these symptoms come on overnight? were you basically a happy stress free person beforehand? when i look back - i realise that i was getting more and more stressed and uptight before my symptoms began - it was a gradual process and so if you look back and you realise that yes - you felt stressed/were under stress - then this is another sign that is pointing to it all being anxiety x

Hello Joanne,

Regarding Neurological problems, If you've read a lot of my other posts you will see that i am worried about a type of MND that starts in the mouth/face/throat area and not in the limbs, It progresses to the limbs but it takes quite a few months to do so.

It is a progressive disease there is no specific test for it and it's hard to diagnose.

I have had 2 reflex tests done well all that happened was i was hit with a hammer to test my muscles in my legs, feet, arms etc.

Anaemia hasn't been picked up in my blood tests, Diabetes has been ruled out as has things like Thyroid problems but there is abnormalities with my ESR and White Blood Count levels and that has been the case for nearly 2 months now.

I don't focus on my mouth/throat/face problems but as soon as i wake up i have pressure or a bad ache in my face and when i eat i always feel like i am struggling to chew and swallow.

I just hope things improve. :D

16-10-10, 18:41
hi eggy - i imagine esr is to do with detecting inflammation? and white blood cell count infection? what have the doctors said is the next step regarding these tests?

16-10-10, 18:45
Just like to say if you are anaemic you could do with a diet rich in Iron .Alternatively take a multivit with iron .it will help .If it was that bad the Dr would have perscribed you something .Did you say you were having other tests to see whether it was a b12 deficiency ? Sue x

16-10-10, 18:45
ps - i did not feel i was focusing all the time on my jaw pain/headaches etc however - i can tell by your posts that you are worried about it and so are naturally giving it attention because like when it happened to me - it colours your whole day. the trouble is - if what you are suffering are stress symptoms - they will be there automatically when you wake up because your body has become tense with worrying about these symptoms over time.

i had terrible pain accross my face every day for 6 months - i used to have to go to bed with it - no reason was ever found and i truly do believe it was a stress/tension response. i hope you get this resolved soon so that if it is physical - it can be treated and if it is anxiety - you can start to relax more x

16-10-10, 19:14
hi eggy - i imagine esr is to do with detecting inflammation? and white blood cell count infection? what have the doctors said is the next step regarding these tests?

Yeah you are right ESR is to do with Inflammation and Inflammatory diseases and White Blood Cell count can be raised due to infection and sometimes serious illnesses.

16-10-10, 19:16
Just like to say if you are anaemic you could do with a diet rich in Iron .Alternatively take a multivit with iron .it will help .If it was that bad the Dr would have perscribed you something .Did you say you were having other tests to see whether it was a b12 deficiency ? Sue x

I do take a multivitamin that contains iron and minerals, Been taking it for about a week and a half now.

Hopefully on Tuesday they will re-check my ESR and WBC levels.

I know they are going to check my Vitamin B12 levels on the blood test that i am having on Tuesday.

16-10-10, 19:34
I do take a multivitamin that contains iron and minerals, Been taking it for about a week and a half now.

Hopefully on Tuesday they will re-check my ESR and WBC levels.

I know they are going to check my Vitamin B12 levels on the blood test that i am having on Tuesday.

Well the consultant rheumatologist that I saw said that these levels/readings would generally be very high (sometimes in the thousands) for it to indicate something more sinister, as my mine were borderline. He said even knocks, bruises, strains can temporarily increase it along with fatigue. Also remember that when you're anxious and tense the muscles have to work harder - probably through reduced oxygen, blood flow etc.

We're not doctors here Eggy but many of us have been where you are now and have come out the other side in one piece. You're not alone in thinking you have a specific kind of illness. MND, MS, MD etc are common HA worries.

Please start believing what we are saying here as you are getting a lot of support and very good advice.

16-10-10, 20:17
Well the consultant rheumatologist that I saw said that these levels/readings would generally be very high (sometimes in the thousands) for it to indicate something more sinister, as my mine were borderline. He said even knocks, bruises, strains can temporarily increase it along with fatigue. Also remember that when you're anxious and tense the muscles have to work harder - probably through reduced oxygen, blood flow etc.

We're not doctors here Eggy but many of us have been where you are now and have come out the other side in one piece. You're not alone in thinking you have a specific kind of illness. MND, MS, MD etc are common HA worries.

Please start believing what we are saying here as you are getting a lot of support and very good advice.


Thanks for replying :)

I keep thinking why do i keep getting these abnormal readings over quite a long period of time then i think why aren't my doctors actually doing anything else or investigating things? The levels are not really high but slightly high but without knowing the actual readings i have no idea how high they actually are.

I would love to have a copy of my medical records :D

I'd like to know if anyone else on here has worried worried about MND? I know i have seen people worrying about MS.

16-10-10, 20:50

Thanks for replying :)

I keep thinking why do i keep getting these abnormal readings over quite a long period of time then i think why aren't my doctors actually doing anything else or investigating things? The levels are not really high but slightly high but without knowing the actual readings i have no idea how high they actually are.

But if they were high enough to cause concern they would have you in for further tests surely. Give doctors some credit here - they're not all incompetent you know!

I would love to have a copy of my medical records :D

You would be lethal with your medical notes - Googling everything in sight! I was given a copy of my readings and it's just a load of figures. The interpretation by a medically trained person is what counts.

I'd like to know if anyone else on here has worried worried about MND? I know i have seen people worrying about MS.

There was one the other day - and I'm surprised you never posted. Do a search and you'll find more (though not sure whether it'll help). The search facility is working well now - I think...


16-10-10, 20:52
hi eggy,
i think if anyone with anxiety spent alot of time reading up on mnd or any other illness would prob start to convince themselves they were ill. no one is saying you are not experiencing these symptoms i my self have facial numbness but i know its due to tension! and the more i focus on it the worse it gets.... but if i focus on my finger for a long time then my finger becomes numb! anxiety can convince you of many things and it all feels VERY VERY real. and feeding the fear by reading about it and constantly thinking about it just keeps it going until one day when u wake up and realise you have wasted most of your life telling your self you have some horrible disease you never really had. get help for the anxiety once you have the anxiety under control and can see clearly things will fall in to place. good luck xxx