View Full Version : Bit of an embarassing question but kinda worried!

Natalie x
10-10-10, 22:18
Hi. This is kinda embarassing but il go ahead. A couple of hours ago me and my boyfriend had sex and just at the end i started to get a weird feeling at the right hand side of my head and immediately my head spiralled into worry thinking that something is going to happen. Has anyone ever had this or is worried bowt these kinda things? Thanks x

Fly away Katie
10-10-10, 22:27
That feeling was probably a random one. (We all get them from time to time) And you probably focused on it, making it worse x x x

10-10-10, 22:59
Of course hun. That can happen, and bearing in mind that during sex the emotions/feelings can heighten so this could lead on the mind to do things like that, seemingly out of nowhere.

What should seem to be pleasurable can trigger anxious thoughts. That's the frustrating thing about having anxiety I s'pose!

Take care.xxx

11-10-10, 15:29
Girl, one time I was having sex with my bf and both of my hands went completely numb! I started feeling weird in the middle of it, but didn’t stop because it felt good LOL. I agree with the poster above, sometimes I get anxious during sex too, I just try to ignore it though. I’m sure yours was nothing :)

Fly away Katie
11-10-10, 18:50
I get anxious during sex :( It sucks cus its supposed to be pleasurable... but sometimes we cant enjoy it because of anxiety :( x x x

11-10-10, 23:02
I think also it is natural anyway to have some nervous tension before and during sex as you really are at your most vulnerable and exposing yourself to someone in a really intimate way, and may be worried about how the whole thing is gonna go, so if you add on the anxiety feelings it's no wonder we might feel like you did hun! xx

As Fly away katie said, I get anxious during sex a bit too!