View Full Version : Please please help me

10-10-10, 22:38
Iv had a cold for a few days now but the last few hours my chest has been really hurting me on and off....at the minute it feels like a band around my whole chest, I have no other symptoms but im so so scared, shall i phone an ambulance-painkillers arn't working im so scared please help me

10-10-10, 22:40
Davey, have you been coughing? Have you had any phlegm at all?

10-10-10, 22:41
Chest congestion, bronchial maybe

10-10-10, 22:42
Could the cold have gone onto your chest and you're feeling panicked about it therefore the feelings are exaggerated?

10-10-10, 22:42
Chest congestion, bronchial maybe

Yep, that's what I was thinking too. The chest can hurt really badly with lots of coughing or a chest infection.

10-10-10, 22:45
That's right about panicking. It can make the feeling more pronounced.

10-10-10, 22:51
no coughing but lots of sneezing-i agree about the panic but this is scaring me bad...its an awful pain

10-10-10, 22:53
It may be related to the muscles used when sneezing Davey, or just the general viral type pains you get when ill. Have you got any chest congestion at all?

Going home
11-10-10, 00:07
The chest is a very common area for the cold bacteria to attack to be honest. A cold by nature usually attacks the respitory tract which involves the chest wall muscles...the nose, sinuses, ears, throat are also affected. The other muscles in your body can also be affected which is why you can ache 'all over'. Your anxiety could be making the feeling worse, but with a cold it doesn't need anxiety to make you feel bad..it can do that all on its own without any extra help.

Try not to worry, your heart is fine and the pain is only the chest wall muscles. People underestimate the common cold, but it can make you feel really bad while it lasts. Try to relax and keep warm and drink lots. Hot lemon drinks are as old as the hills but are truly effective with common colds. Feel better and be worry free soon.

Anna xxx

11-10-10, 02:53
Thanks for your support all-I ended up being taken into hospital, Feel like i let panic take over but the pain was unbearable-im home now as i was discharged and they said what you have said that it was probably a spasm caused by sneezing. I still have a bad pain in my back and even though iv just been to hospital im still a bit worried but hey thats panic for you. Thankyou again this is the best site I have ever been on and you people are all amazing caring people:hugs:

11-10-10, 02:57
Aww davey, I feel for you hun! I've had a horribe virus since last Sunday morning, the other day I had a HORRIBLE chest pain come out of no where, I was bent over double in pain, could hardly breathe and I couldn't move out of fear I was finally having the heart attack I'm so scared of! Only lasted about 10-15 seconds but they were the longest 10-15 seconds of my life! The adrenaline rush kicked in the second it stopped so I assumed I wasn't dying, I don't know 100% what it was but I'm still here now so couldnt have been life threatening! Probably muscular too due to coughing all the time.

I hope you feel better soon, I really do, get some rest and don't worry your heart is fine! :) xx

11-10-10, 03:19
Glad you're feeling better about you're experience. The sensations are as real as you and me. Its a shame we're the only ones who can feel it. All the best :] xx