View Full Version : Help me please - unexplained dizziness

10-10-10, 23:00
Hi everyone,

The last few weeks/months I have been feeling slightly dizzy occasionally. But the last two days I have felt like my head is spinning a lot!

Last night I turned to look at my friend and my head really spun.

I am finding it hard to not get into a panic about it. I have mentioned it to my GP before but she wasn't worried about it. I don't know if thats because she really doesn't think there is anything wrong - or whether she is trying to brush me off and think its my anxiety.

Anxiety wise, I haven't been too bad of late so I don't feel like its this.

I am starting to worry though - because I can't find a reason for my dizziness :(

I don't want to get back on this rollercoaster again, but I am finding it hard to reason with myself and tell myself that I am not about to die from it :(

10-10-10, 23:22
its horrible the tricks anxiety plays on us isn't it... i recently had a bout of bad health anxiety. dizziness is a core symptoms of anxiety and is strongly linked to hyperventalating... even if it is a minor change in your breathing pattern it can def have an effect on you. and then we become anxiou9s about the symptoms, which produces more anxiety/ adrenalin and more symptoms. its so easy to say to someone else isn;t it but really hard when you are in the situation as it just feels so bloody real. something that helped with my health anxiety was trying to focus on a different part of your body, eg, focus on your big toe for 2 mins. you will prob start to notice sensations that you weren;t aware of before ... and if these sensations made you anxious then you would focus on them more and notice more symptoms. my health anxiety was about headaches, so i would constantly scan my body each day to see if i had a headache, obviously then i my muscles would tense which would result in a headache! ( I can see that now, could not see it at the time). another thing that might help to remember about dizziness is that it is near impossible to faint when you are anxious, to faint our BP has to drop and when we are anxious our BP and pulse rate is actually raised . good luck xx

11-10-10, 06:30
Thanks for replying - but thats the whole thing how can it be my anxiety when I am not anxious?

Lou 1
11-10-10, 12:25
I ask myself the same question everyday, my diziness gets so bad sometimes.
I think even though i dont feel anxious i still have the anxious thoughts in my head wondering about my diziness.
Also i read a book by Claire Weaks and she explains that it can take a while after anxiety for your nervous system to go back to 'normal'


paula lynne
11-10-10, 12:43
I get all my symptoms even when I dont feel anxious. Vertigo particularly affects me. Its an exhausted mind and body, carrying on what its used too...being anxious. Dr Clare Weekes is very good, as mentioned by lou...give it a "whirl!"....xxxxxxxxx:)

11-10-10, 13:08
sorry if i misunderstood a bit samanthaAU... but i guess you must be a bit worried/ anxious about it to be asking about it ? i would also recommend claire weekes xx

11-10-10, 13:54
Thanks everyone.

ems43 - I just meant that yesterday when I was talking to my friend, I was happy and not worried about anything. I hadn't been very anxious about my health for a while now which is why I find it hard to believe that it is my anxiety causing me to be dizzy if you know what I mean?

I have a headache now - now I am worried I have a brain tumour or something equally as terrible :(

paula lynne
11-10-10, 14:03
Hi again, most people with anxiety and panic suffer with bouts of dizzyness, even when we feel well. Headaches and tension are also common, (I get vertigo and headaches almost every day). Your stressed out about your symptoms and its given you a headache...are you able to go for a walk? read a book, play music, do some gardening/housework..have a relaxing bath, call a friend? xxxx:hugs:

11-10-10, 14:18
Click on here and scroll down to 'dizziness'

It will help you to understand your fears.
Plus - most of don't feel anxious but get 'hit' by fears and anxiety.