View Full Version : Muscle wasting

11-10-10, 00:04
Does anyone else seem to have chronically weak forearms? For years my grip has been weaker and weaker and I sometimes get cold hands and numb fingers. Not all the fingers just a few at a time. I keep telling myself that this is anxiety related and right now I am not too worried but I feel like my forearms are getting thinner and thinner and I am not losing weight. Anyway, sorry I am rambling but I could use some advice.


11-10-10, 02:24
Yes I have this too. It's only because we tense our muscles so often with anxiety and panic that they feel funny and weak. Do you exercise? If you don't exercise this will also be a contributer to having weak arms. Our muscles need to be used to become stronger. The less we use them the weaker they become

11-10-10, 23:42
OMG YESSSSS!!!!!! Mine are almost constantly like this!! and my hands too!! right arm and hand are worse affected!! I hate it and i feel like its not attachd to me too, and that i cant lift it or feel it to move it, its terrifying :( but yes, i deffo think its anxiety! Well, i hope so, im seeing a neuro and cardiologist soon so hopefully get a few things cleared up that im worried about. x

12-10-10, 10:49
Yep, you've described well one of my most troubling symptoms.

Of course when you feel like this you link it to some kind of horrible neurological disorder.

I agree that exercise is the way forwards, you can't expect your muscles to feel good if you don't use them in a helpful way.


12-10-10, 20:17
would we know if we had a neurological problem related to the weakness??? Like if we lifted somwething we would be unable to.. (and we could perfectly before?) Coz i keep thinking that my weakness cant be normal as its so strong but yet i can still lift heavy things and it doesnt make me weak handed literally,it just FEELS very very very very weak, like i cant use it, but i know i can, it ever so odd!!

Sumthin i rly need answering>>> I sumtimes think i cannot actually feel my arm atall. but i pinch it and i know i can! what causes that??? does ne1 else get that??????????