View Full Version : Hi Im a newbee

11-10-10, 04:59
Hi my name is Rochelle and I am a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 1. The later part of 2009 was very difficult for me. Here is my story and it goes like this. One sunday morning I woke up but had the headache of a life time so i went to the store early came back home and new the aleeve was gonna work so i said after I take it im gonna walk Louie. Now this is where my life turns upside down. I was maybe a couple of hours into my sleep cause when i had awoken it was around ten am and I woke up to the screaming of my daughter saying he is dead he is dead, so i get up not know what is going on and she is holding her stomach cause she is due to have her baby anyday now. and when i find out what is going on the world starts crumbling my little yorkie who was such a loving and protective puppy was killed by my neighbors pitbull while my daughter was walking him. Then 3 days later my daughter gives birth to my granddaughter and no later than a week goes by a get a call while I am at work wondering wy my ex fiance brother is calling me and he tells me that my beloved Edward died that morning from a heart attach. Are you still with me now again this all takes place in November of 2009 within a week. And from then on I knew I was dying while my daughter was upstairs in the labor room I was in the er telling them I was having a heart attack.

11-10-10, 05:07
Hi Rochelle

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
11-10-10, 10:34
HRochelle and welcome to a great supportive site. Thanks for sharing some of your story. I hope you find reassurance and comfort here x:welcome:

Fly away Katie
11-10-10, 18:55
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x