View Full Version : Hello Everyone

11-10-10, 13:43
Hello. My name is Paul and I am from Cumbria. I joined this site because it appealed to me giving an opportunity to find out whether my ongoing health problems were an isolated case or not, and to gain an understanding as well.

Firstly I must apologise for posting an item regarding palpitations which was subsequently withdrawn. I posted the item in good faith as from my own experience it was important to do a regular check on ones pulse.

Unfortunately I went into some depth which in hindsight was not the best way to go about things-Please accept my apology and I am sorry if anyone did get to read it.

I suffered from daily palpitations which became overwhelming. They started after meals, bending down, sitting down, doing light chores and I eventually was diagnosed by the cardiologist and the medication prescribed helped to prevent them starting up.

The daily tablets have significantly improved my life although my other health issues are arthritis and the occasional bought of panic attacks.

As I mentioned above, I do apologise for yesterdays posting and in future I will be more carefull.

I look forward to some kind of feedback because palpitations can be overcome and with the correct medication you will discover that your daily life will significantly get better.

Thanks everyone.



11-10-10, 13:46
Hi shoeshine

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-10-10, 15:48
Welcome to the forum, really glad you found us.:welcome:

paula lynne
11-10-10, 16:58
Hi Paul Im Paula, welcome to a great supportive site. I have palpatations everyday (aortic reflux). Nice to know you x

11-10-10, 18:20
Hi Paul
I get palps too and they can be terrifying but such a common symptom of panic/anxiety. Hope you find the support and reassurance here that I have :)

Fly away Katie
11-10-10, 18:52
Hello, and welcome to NMP x x x