View Full Version : New to this website, looking for help?

11-10-10, 14:46
Hello peeps,

I'm new to this website, am desperate for some help and advise relating to my anxiety disorder, have been having panic attacks on and off now for the whole of this current year, not really sure whats triggered them, my doctors have but me on sertraline 50mg, i've been on them for about 8 weeks, felt bettewr for a while, now this last week the racing heart is back, has anyone else suffered like this, i'm just in constant fear that there is something else wrong with me, like un-diagnoised cancer or something horrid like that. Feel really low again and am desperate to talk to other people who are in tyhe same boat as me, i feel like i'm going to go mad!.

11-10-10, 14:48
Hi merrysee

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-10-10, 15:00
Hello Merrysee, Welcome, It is a year exactly since my first panic attack and like you, I have no idea what triggered them either. My Gp put me on Propanalol and also Citalopram, but I find that 10mgs of that is the most I can tolerate without side effects, takes the edge of, and I am learning to handle things better than I did a year ago. I thought I had some awful undiagnosed terminal illness, but I realised that it is all down to anxiety. I just try to carry on regardless although it can be so hard at times, hope the site will be helpful to you, its been my saving grace.

Fly away Katie
11-10-10, 18:53
Hello and welcome to NMP x x x