View Full Version : Is it normal to feel like this when exercising?

11-10-10, 17:14
I went for a long fast walk today and had a few ectopics along the way. At one point I was walking up a steep hill and I felt VERY light headed. It went away after a few mins but it scared me.

I felt soooo weird. I was pushing myself quite hard but the feeling was just so intense.

Is this meant to happen during hard exercise? I'm worried it means that there is something wrong with my heart.

Although I've had ECG's, Holters, Echo's I'm still thinking there could be something wrong.

I'm trying to get fit and lose a few extra pounds but I'm now afraid that this anxiety will stand in my way. I'm 22 by the way. :)

Any help will be very much appreciated! :D


11-10-10, 17:56
were u active before this? as in was this ure first bit of exercise in a wile? like in exerting ureself etc if so its completely normal. happened to me before when i started to try lose a few pounds. also got regular palpitations. wouldnt worry about it

11-10-10, 18:22
I've had this - and I think it's because I haven't done exercise for a while. Start low and build up - maybe avoid the steep hill until you've built up your fitness/stamina levels again.

11-10-10, 21:47
I normally go to the gym but I haven't went in a few weeks as my leg has been sore so I suppose this is the first proper exercise that I've had in a while. So maybe that's what it is then. I'm going on another walk tomorrow so I think I'll avoid steep hills and see how I get on.