View Full Version : Omeprazole and side effects

cheesy pete
11-10-10, 18:15

I know from previous posts that a number of people take this and i wonder if anyone else has experienced any side effects? I have been on this for 4 days and over the last couple of days i have started to feel sick and have got terrible wind. Anybody had this experience and if so does this pass after a few days.

11-10-10, 18:20
I had those symptoms, so did my mum. I stopped taking it, as I'm scared of vomiting - but she carried on, and the side effects eased after a week.

cheesy pete
11-10-10, 19:17
Hi Dahlia,

Thanks for the response. I can understand why you don't like being sick or vomiting but it would be good to know that I will cease in a few days, fingers crossed!

cheesy pete
12-10-10, 13:41
I had a really bad night's sleep. Stomach pains, feeling sick and really bad wind so i have stopped taking omeprazole. Left a message with my GP giving symptoms and whether i should stop or not but have i done the right thing?

12-10-10, 14:10
Hi Pete,

Can I ask if you are taking it before a meal as advised? It works most effectively with fewer bad effects if you do this.


cheesy pete
12-10-10, 14:26

I started off on lanzaprazole and was specifically told to take 30 minutes to an hour before eating which I followed very closely. Anyway towards the middle of last week, i was really struggling the acid reflux again so i went to see the doctor on Thursday. The doctor put me onto omeprazole (40mg - 20mg twice per day) but i was advised that they could be taken at any time, i.e. before or after meals and the instructions with the meds say exactly the same. Is that not right then? I've been taking them one in the morning and one in the evening and usually not longer after food.

12-10-10, 15:20
Hi again!

Wow, that advice is news to me Cheesy pete as at the hospital we always gave Omeprazole strictly before breakfast as before a meal was best as it acts on the stomach prior to eating which is when the acid works overtime and causes the heartburn probs that folks feel so badly. Not even necessarily with food though, but with something lining the stomach like juice or something. The Omep I got recently over the counter advises with a meal too, but maybe they are just erring on the side of caution there.

Sorry if I have given any duff info there anyway! I take it before breakfast and have felt ok with no effects, so perhaps it just effects people in different ways sadly.

Hope you feeel better soon.xx

12-10-10, 15:29
Hi Pete
I've been taking Omeprazole 20mg for quite a few years now. I always take it first thing in the morning with a good drink of water. Can't say I've noticed any side effects like you've mentioned, but it can make your bowel motions quite loose - I only found this out a couple of years back after chatting to a GP.
Your GP may well suggest trying another medication instead. I had tried lansoprazole initially but it didn't really help, so I was put on omeprazole instead.
Hope you will feel better soon. :)

cheesy pete
12-10-10, 15:44
Hi Debs,

Thanks for the advice. I don't think your advice is duff. If that's what you have been doing then it makes sense and i was told strictly to take before food on lansoprazole. I haven't taken anything this morning but i think i may take prior to food this evening as i won't get my doctors advice until tomorrow.

Thanks for your advice it is greatly appreciated. I love chatting on NMP as i find it a great comfort. :smile:


cheesy pete
12-10-10, 16:41
Hi Baggie,

Thanks for the advice. Will wait and see what the doctor says. Think i'm going to take the omeprazole prior to meals and see what effect it has.



12-10-10, 18:03
Hi, I had really bad nausea on Omeprazole and a real banging headache! Dr changed it to Lanzoprazole Fast Tabs (they melt on your tongue) and have had no problems with those and they work pretty quick and last alot longer than the Omeprazole.

cheesy pete
02-11-10, 19:49

Been back on these again for a couple of weeks with no problems (appointment with specialist next week) but last couple of days felt sick again and unsettled stomach. Can it be the omperazole even if i have been taking them for the last 2-3 weeks?

02-11-10, 22:20
I have just started taking these and have been advised to take them before I go to bed (so after a meal) as I was getting reflux at night. So I haven't been told to have them with food either.

I was initially having lansoprazole but they didn't agree with me. No noticeable effects yet with the omoprazole.

08-11-10, 15:19
Back on this post again I have been taking them for a week, and now not for two days and today I have got diarrhoea. Could this be the omeprazole even if I haven't had any for two nights?

How you getting on cheesy_pete?

08-11-10, 15:26
My Hubby takes these and takes it before a meal .Some of these types of meds can cause upset stomach .But not everyone experiences this . sue x