View Full Version : feeling like a bag of ppo

11-10-10, 19:28
sorry folks for coming in when I am feeling down, but I am not sure where eles I can get this down.
My anxiety seems to be so up and down, It just knocks me, I think part of it is tht we have just had a lovely weekend and it lulls me into a false sense of reality. Today I have turned back into a paranoid android, my sister cancelled lunch yesterday because she is poorly and I am totally determined she is fine and just doesn't want to spend time with me, a friend cancelled this afternoon and this just confirms the feelings of crapness about myself, I have sat and paniced for the afternoon about not going to pick up ds (he is on a playdate) because it will give the other mums chance to talk about me whilst I am not there
I have been putting on weight and have convinced myself that I have earlys tage liver failure and gall bladder problems. It has been 3 days since I saw my therapist and have a clear feeling that the phone is goign to ring and she is going to tell me she doesn't want to see me anymore,

I just want to get into bed and cry myself to sleep. I want to be the sort of person people want to be friends with, I want to be a good wife and mummy, I want to like who I am.
Dh is bathing the kids and I knwo he doesn't totally mind but I also know that he wishes I was a bit more here, and engaged with our lives but I just can't, I know I will mess it up.
And here we are again, I am dropping in telling a load of strangers how crap I am, I havent read through the thread, I am being self indulgent and moaning hoping that you will put up with it so I can get it out.

11-10-10, 21:47
oh god, now I have ended up having an argument with dh.

the thing is his relationship with ds1 gets me down and I have just taken all my sadness out on him.

arse. now what?

paula lynne
11-10-10, 21:59
Hiya...no strangers here, only friends :hugs:
Go and talk it through with your partner..:blush:
Im sure your sis is really ill and thats why she cancelled.:)
I hope you have a good sleep tonight and wake feeling better:winks:
Im Paula, nice to meet you x:hugs:

11-10-10, 22:34
thank you paula.
I have talked to dh but all that has seemed to do is make him very sad.
I am giving up for today and going to bed.

hopefully tomorrow will be less ppo!

12-10-10, 14:30
Aw, I can identify with the lack of confidence, I often wonder if other mums/friends ect think I'm an idiot. I have only just started posting on here again as I managed to get rid of my anx and panic, but now I'm pregnant again it's back and I know how hard it is coping with that as well as every day family stuff.

FWIW you sound like a lovely lady and a great mum and I'm pretty sure that no-one has cancelled on you because they don't want to see you, it's just that life is hectic these days. Hope you feel better soon. x

Ps, just a quick question (you don't have to answer). Do you post on MN? I recognise the name and I just wondered as I am a regular there myself.

12-10-10, 21:06
:-) yes I do. felt I needed to step away from the Mental health section on there, feel like I have whinged enough over the last few years :blush: