View Full Version : An idea....

08-03-06, 19:11
Ok I have this theory...

I spend pretty much all day in front of a computer at work, I also wear contact lenses, so by the end of the day, very often my eyes feel dry and tired. I have noticed more recently, a definate link between the way my driving anxiety feels in the morning and when my eyes are tired in the evening. This evening, I found myself constantly blinking on the way home, in an effort to make my eyes feel less dry and to be able to focus better.

I am going for an eye test soon as it's been a year since my last test- does anyone think this could be causing my panicky feeling while I'm driving?

Julia x

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

08-03-06, 20:38
It certainly could be adding to it. Just the fact that you are aware of it might be bothering you.

I have no idea really about these things but I know once I start thinking something is affecting me, it really feels like it is!

Going to the opticians is definately the best option, best get it checked out.

Good luck.

Tammy x

09-03-06, 08:31
Thanks Tammy, yes I'm going to be making an appointment xxx

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

09-03-06, 10:12
I definitely think there's something in it. I have heard it said that working on a computer for a lot of time can also cause some people to feel dizziness.

Good luck with the eye test.

Trev :D

09-03-06, 10:15
Hi Julia,

I think what you probably need is VDU glasses and your work will pay something towards these as they have a duty of care to look after your health and I could be proved this is a result of your working environment. Another thing to consider does your work have an Occupational Health Nurse Doctor because you may be able to get a keystone test free of charge at work.

Feel free to PM anytime if you have any questions because I know loads about this given that a run a occupational health company.


09-03-06, 10:46
My boss just really annoyed me....
as I asked her about going for an eye test and at first she said 'well you will have to go in your own time, either in the evening or at the weekend'.. this is a problem as my opticians has appointment from 9-4.30 monday to friday it's a little independant optician that I have been going to for most of my life. I dont see why I should have to change this just because my boss doesn't like it!

So eventually I made an appointment, I've got it tomorrow afternoon, which will mean leaving work an hour early so I can drive back in time. I have got to make up the missing time, so on Monday I will work through my lunch break or something.

Robert- thanks for the advice- I'm almost certain that my job isn't helping. I know that IN THEORY you're entitled to a break from the computer ever so often but this just is not the done thing in my job. I have a really busy job where I am staring at my PC and on the phone all the time, it would be very much frowned upon if I took a break, other than to go to the loo, or go on my lunch break etc.
Julia x

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

09-03-06, 11:15
Hi Julia,

That is absolutely disgusting attitude to have you are entitled to go to the opticians in work time without having to make it up. When I hear about stuff like this it really makes my blood boil aaarrggghhh. What you should do is log on to http://www.acas.co.uk/ and get there number and phone them and ask there advice. I think they will be able to advice you of the correct procedure and policy. If you never stand up to your work you will always be treated like crap and I think our health is always more important than our work.


09-03-06, 11:23
Robert- I know, it IS disgusting..but the problem I have, is that last year, I had a LOT of time off sick (genuine reasons) and in my appraisal last month, I was told that one of my objectives was to dramatically reduce this. So I need to show that I am really trying with my attendance levels.

Having said that though... if my optician does tell me that I have eye strain related to by job, I will definately be going to the HR department about it, as, like you say, they have an obligation to look after me!

J x

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

09-03-06, 12:08
Hi Julia

I wear contact lenses, from the moment I wake up to the last thing at night. I've worked with computers for ten years and am currently working from home due to anxiety issues. My lenses tend to dry up a lot aswell. Do you have a break away from the computer at all during the day? I actually had an eye test on Tuesday and was told my eyes are fine. I have oredered a new pair of glasses though to give my eyes a break from the constant wearing of the lenses. Sometimes your eyes need a little bit of fresh air!!