View Full Version : Had a terrible night and having an awful day :(

11-10-10, 20:08
Sorry for another thread but i had a terrible night last night and i have had an awful day today.

I woke up last night feeling really dizzy and i felt like someone was pushing against every side of my head.

I have also felt very dizzy throughout the day and had a nasty taste in my mouth.

My body just feels so weak like my arms and legs are heavy and disconnected, They just don't feel right.

I am still having difficulty with chewing and swallowing and it feels like my face is a balloon, I don't get what this pressure thing is? My cheekbones and near my ears just feel so weird like there is a lot of pressure around that area and it feels strange and achy, I bought some Sudafed just incase it was anything to do with my sinuses but it doesn't seem to be working so it must be caused by something else.

I keep getting twitching and now i am getting tremors in my hands and arms (is this normal?) and my mouth seems like it's trembling as well.

I have never felt so bad i really haven't, I basically feel like i already have some kind of fatal degenerative disease or something is eating away at my body.

11-10-10, 20:32
Bless Eggy. You're not having a good time at all at the moment. :hugs:

I think you definately need to see your gp ASAP to give you some answers.


11-10-10, 20:32
oh, that sounds really awful. from what you are describing it certainly sounds to me like anxiety symptoms. i often get tremors in my hands and arms, and sometimes my legs, when very anxious, it is all due to the fight/ flight adrenalin response. Is there any coping skills you have found useful when you feel very anxious. if you keep telling yourself this is some degenerative disease i guess it is fuelling the anxiety...is there any thing you can try to distract yourself and see if is due to anxiety xx

Kerry B
11-10-10, 22:17
Hi Eggy after reading your post you appear to be so anxious which is causing you all of these nasty symptoms, I really feel for you, the dizzy is one of the worse symptoms I get I was at my worst june/july and believe me with the right medication things do get easier, well they did for me, but even now i still get the dizzy and its just as frightening. hope things improve for you real soon x