View Full Version : Afterimage Visualdisturbance from exersise?

11-10-10, 20:15
Hey guys. So I started running, run 10km 5 days a week now. Been running for about a month now. I was just wondering if its usual that your eyes are more sensitive or you experience visualdisturbance from running.

I got my heart and blood tested. all checked out and Im cleared. But still, would be nice with some responses on this one.

Thanks in advance

Note: I have just started to live my life free from panicanxiety (been in it for 25 years). Maybe a valuable note since I was thinkin that maybe my nervous system hasnt recovered yet and that is why this occurs.

But I wont let it stop me. No way. :D

11-10-10, 20:35
hey sometimes i do get this i kind feel dizzy or something anyway i started to me my glasses but still get it only for a few Min's i don't know if its the start of apan attack or not i only get it after i finish my exercise

11-10-10, 21:06
Yeah. its more intense right after. But I also feel like its trhoguh out the day.

11-10-10, 21:35
One simple way to solve this worry would be to get your eyes tested.

I have found that acting quickly and logically knocks the worries on the head before they have chance to fester.

Good luck with the running x