View Full Version : bad sleep

11-10-10, 20:20
hi can anyone tell if they get this when i drop off in a afternoon when i wake up i feel kind of sick and im craving chocolate or some thing im diabetic only diet though and i get it checked every 6 months alls ok on that side i don't get it when i go to bed in the week and wake up only if i have a kip i used to wake up freezing to the bone before as well

11-10-10, 20:45
Um, firstly well done for writing a whole post without a full stop, that is quite impressive. Secondly are you eating enough and drinking enough? If you have strange cravings, maybe you aren't getting enough nutricious food in your diet? And maybe you are dropping off in the sun light. I have done this in my lounge and I overheat and feel very sick for a while and have to lie down. Of course, if you felt ill you should see a gp, who maybe could suggest a change to your diabetic diet or something.

11-10-10, 21:27
obviously im not as clever as u

12-10-10, 18:17
I am sorry if I have offended you Melvin, that didn't occur to me at the time that you may have been panicing. Please don't take it personally. I am trying to help you with your problem though and I and offered you my advice. Have you read it?