View Full Version : please wen will i get better

11-10-10, 21:06
took myself to town today for the first time and ive comme home an feel awfull cryin got the shakes bad aniexty my meds got uppde 5 weeks they havent seemed to work so she has lowered my dose just want the old julie bk she doesnt seem to be comin bk ive got two beuitfull kids there so good but i have pnd i ave a 10 year old plus a 4 an haLf month old hes such a good baby an i feel like im pushin him away xx

11-10-10, 21:12
Sorry you feel so bad hunni. Give the new dose chance to settlen your system. Hope you feel better soon x

11-10-10, 21:44
Persevere Julie love, sometimes it takes a while to find the right medication and the right dose. Make sure that you stay in regular contact with the doctor and work together. You will get better again, I promise x

11-10-10, 21:44
well done for taking yourself out hun, that's a massive achievement :) try and focus on the fact that you managed that and you made it! like sammi says, meds can take their time to get established in your system so be patient. im sure u'll feel loads better once they do. xxx

11-10-10, 21:47
Hang in there Julie things will improve maybe not overnight but they will get better:hugs:

11-10-10, 22:09
thanks every1 just wanna be there for my kids x

11-10-10, 22:12
I feel the same about my daughter hun. And we will be xxx

11-10-10, 22:17
hope so it just not fair xx

11-10-10, 22:21
I know hun and its so hard x

12-10-10, 03:11
took myself to town today for the first time and ive comme home an feel awfull cryin got the shakes bad aniexty my meds got uppde 5 weeks they havent seemed to work so she has lowered my dose just want the old julie bk she doesnt seem to be comin bk ive got two beuitfull kids there so good but i have pnd i ave a 10 year old plus a 4 an haLf month old hes such a good baby an i feel like im pushin him away xx

It will get better and you are certainly in the right forum, the members here are so great, and have helped me so much, setting my mind at ease.

Although it looks like it will never end, it will, you will begin to cope and accept , be strong
