View Full Version : hi ladies n gents, boys n girls

Natural Mystic
11-10-10, 21:15
Hi, I'm Nicola and first posted in Sept 08 after I realised I was suffering from anxiety following a skin cancer diagnosis in December 07 (all clear now). I'd never suffered from anxiety or panics before that and I'm 42.

I had awful symptoms, at first just not knowing what the hell was happening to me. Most of the symptoms mentioned in these threads I suffered and I was convinced (like many of you) that I was dying of something. I am a single mother of a 9 year old (whose father isn't involved) and my biggest worry is leaving him alone.

So for months and months I suffered quite badly, including severe insomnia. Still I managed to get to work every day, and to be honest it kept me going. Being alone and in "quiet" seemed to make me worse. I even went to my doctors and told him/them that I was waiting for the voices.

I was worse at night, in the dark, when my son was asleep. "what if something happens now? what if I die now and my son has to find me" etc.et. (I'm sure many of you here know the score).

In March 09 I last posted here. I was busy and I guess I was "getting better". I learnt to accept (99% of the time) that it was anxiety and I decided not to fear it. Eventually the episodes got quite rare and from then until the past weeks I was "ME" again (aside from the odd twinge which I didn't fight and it left).

It's back so I'm back here with my fellow sufferers. This time, however, I will not allow it to render me lifeless. This time, however, I will not allow it to "freeze" me with fear. This time, however, I am NOT going to let it send me to the hell of fear.

I am not letting you get me anxiety. I am ignoring you, because you bore me "yawn"


11-10-10, 21:17
Hi Natural Mystic

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
11-10-10, 21:30
Welcome back :)
Paige x

paula lynne
11-10-10, 21:40
Hi Nicola and welcome back, nice to meet you x:welcome:

Natural Mystic
11-10-10, 21:44
Thanks for the welcome sweets.

One thing I can say to those of you who are new to this or who are just not coping so well, is that you can do it. You can stop it esculating. I know that there is nothing like it when you are having one (hell earlier I just had an awful feeling of doom, had (have) aches all over, jaw feels tight and heavy and I had the shakes. But I just did what I've learned to do and carry on as if it isn't happening, and this helps it not esculate.

Think of it as a little devil inside you who gets fed up that it isn't "working" so he goes away.

Face it but ignore it, don't panic it.